日本のアルバイト – Part time jobs in Japan
Read about part-time jobs in Japan, including convenience stores, customer service, and hourly wages. Perfect for Japanese learners seeking...
Read about part-time jobs in Japan, including convenience stores, customer service, and hourly wages. Perfect for Japanese learners seeking...
"より" is used to indicate something is "more than" another, while "のほうが" highlights preferences or emphasizes a quality. "より"...
The blog explains the differences between もう (already/soon) and まだ (still/not yet) in Japanese conversations. もう indicates completed or...
The Japanese school cultural festival is an annual event where students collaborate to prepare activities like food stalls, haunted...
Japanese honorifics indicate social relationships and respect levels. Common ones include さん (-san) for politeness, くん (-kun) for boys...
In Japan, cleaning is highly valued at school, home, and work. It fosters responsibility, teamwork, and family bonds. The...
This blog explains how to express desires in Japanese using 〜たい (for wanting to do something) and 〜ほしい (for...
A traditional Japanese breakfast is healthy and well-balanced, consisting of rice, miso soup, grilled fish, pickles, tamagoyaki, and natto....
Halloween in Japan is popular but lacks "trick-or-treating." In Shibuya, people dress up, gather, and have fun. Convenience stores...
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