わたしのペット – My pets



【English Translation】

I have four cats and one tortoise. The cats are so cute. I have a 9-year-old female cat, a 7-year-old male cat, and two 5-year-old female cats. They are all different colors and have different personalities. They love to sleep and are always chilling out. The tortoise is 27 years old and very big and heavy. She loves vegetables and eats a lot of cabbage. She stays in the garden in the summer and inside the house in the winter. Pets such as dogs and cats are common, but I think tortoises are rare. My pets are my precious friends. Being with them makes me happy and very soothed.

【Vocabulary List】

ペット – pet
猫(ねこ)- cat
匹(ひき)- counter for animals
陸亀(かめ)- tortoise
飼っています(かっています)- have
とても – so, very 
可愛い(かわいい)- cute
歳(さい)- years old
メス – female
オス – male
みんな – they, everyone
違う(ちがう)- different 
色(いろ)- color
性格(せいかく)- personality, character
寝る(ねる)- sleep
大好き(だいすき)- love, like so much
いつも – always
ごろごろしています – chilling out, relaxing
大きくて(おおきくて)- big (and) 
重い(おもい)- heavy
野菜(やさい)- vegetables
好き(すき)- like
キャベツ – cabbage
たくさん – a lot of
食べます(たべます)- eat
夏(なつ)- summer
庭(にわ)- garden
冬(ふゆ)- winter
家の中(いえのなか)- inside the house
います – stay
犬(いぬ)- dog
一般的(いっぱんてき)- common
珍しい(めずらしい)- rare, uncommon
思います(おもいます)- think
大切な(たいせつな)- precious, important
友達(ともだち)- friend
一緒にいる(いっしょにいる)- being with
幸せ(しあわせ)- happy
癒されます(いやされます)- make me soothed, make me feel calm

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