クリスマスデー – Christmas Day
【English Translation】
Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about Christmas Day. In Japan, Christmas is a very fun and joyful day. Many people spend it with their family, friends, or partners. Christmas is filled with exciting activities such as enjoying cakes, exchanging presents, and viewing illuminations.
Speaking of Christmas, Christmas cakes are very popular. Strawberry and cream shortcakes, in particular, are a staple. People also enjoy dinners with loved ones, exchange gifts, and go out to see beautiful illuminations. In places like Tokyo and Osaka, you can find stunning light displays.
Another thing that defines Christmas in Japan is KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Back in the 1970s, a KFC campaign started the tradition of eating fried chicken for Christmas, and it has since become a widespread custom. Nowadays, many people pre-order KFC and enjoy it with their family and friends. Sharing warm fried chicken and Christmas cake is a truly happy moment.
Children, on the other hand, look forward to Santa Claus. At night, Santa comes to deliver presents into their stockings. The sight of children eagerly going to bed, wondering, “Was I good this year?” is absolutely adorable.
Japanese Christmas is a little different from Christmas in other countries. It doesn’t have much religious significance and is more about enjoying time with family, partners, or friends.
How will you spend this year’s Christmas? I hope you have a wonderful time with your loved ones. And don’t forget to enjoy some KFC and cake!
Merry Christmas!
【Vocabulary List】
クリスマスデー – Christmas Day
家族(かぞく) – family
友だち(ともだち) – friends
恋人(こいびと) – partner (lover)
一緒に(いっしょに) – together
過ごす(すごす) – spend time
ケーキ – cake
プレゼント – present (gift)
イルミネーション – illumination (light display)
イベント – event
人気(にんき) – popular
いちご – strawberry
クリーム – cream
ショートケーキ – shortcake
大切(たいせつ) – important
ディナー – dinner
交換(こうかん) – exchange
東京(とうきょう) – Tokyo
大阪(おおさか) – Osaka
美しい(うつくしい) – beautiful
キャンペーン – campaign
習慣(しゅうかん) – custom
予約(よやく) – reservation
温かい(あたたかい) – warm
幸せ(しあわせ) – happiness
子ども(こども) – child
サンタクロース – Santa Claus
靴下(くつした) – socks
外国(がいこく) – foreign country
宗教(しゅうきょう) – religion
意味合い(いみあい) – meaning
過ごす(すごす) – spend time
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