スポーツの試合 – Sports Game
【English Translation】
Hello everyone! Today, I’d like to talk about sports games.
Sports games are very exciting and thrilling events, aren’t they? There are many kinds of sports, such as soccer, basketball, and baseball. When you go to watch a game, many spectators are cheering, and the atmosphere is very energetic and fun. When the cheers echo throughout the stadium, it feels like everyone is united. This special atmosphere is one of the unique charms of a sports game.
Watching a game, I am moved by the sight of players giving their all. Team members work together to try to beat the opposing team. Teamwork is very important, isn’t it? And when they score a goal or make a point, everyone rejoices together. That is truly a special moment. When their hard work pays off, both the players and the audience feel immense joy.
Not only watching games, but playing sports yourself is also fun. Playing soccer or basketball with friends is great exercise, and it helps deepen friendships. Especially the sense of accomplishment when you win is wonderful, and even when you lose, sharing that frustration can make you want to become stronger. It is an important experience.
What kinds of sports games do you like? In Japan, high school baseball games are very popular. The summer tournament called “Koshien” is something many people look forward to. The young players giving their all on the field deeply inspire the spectators. Their dedication teaches us the importance of working hard.
Sports games create wonderful memories for both those who play and those who watch. Especially when you watch with family or friends, those memories become even more special. If you have time, I encourage you to go watch your favorite sports game or play with your friends!
【Vocabulary List】
スポーツ – sports
試合 (しあい) – game, match
お話しします (おはなしします) – will talk about
面白い (おもしろい) – interesting, fun
ワクワクする – exciting
イベント – event
サッカー – soccer
バスケットボール – basketball
野球 (やきゅう) – baseball
さまざまな – various
観客 (かんきゃく) – spectators
応援 (おうえん) – cheering, support
雰囲気 (ふんいき) – atmosphere
エネルギッシュ – energetic
声援 (せいえん) – cheers
スタジアム – stadium
一体となる (いったいとなる) – to become one, to unite
特別な (とくべつな) – special
魅力 (みりょく) – charm, appeal
選手 (せんしゅ) – player
全力で (ぜんりょくで) – with full effort
プレーする – to play
姿 (すがた) – figure, appearance
感動 (かんどう) – moving, inspiring
チーム – team
協力 (きょうりょく) – cooperation
相手チーム (あいてちーむ) – opposing team
勝つ (かつ) – to win
戦う (たたかう) – to fight, to compete
チームワーク – teamwork
ゴール – goal
得点 (とくてん) – score, points
喜び合う (よろこびあう) – to share joy, to rejoice together
努力 (どりょく) – effort
実る (みのる) – to bear fruit, to be rewarded
観る (みる) – to watch
自分で (じぶんで) – by oneself
友だち (ともだち) – friend
運動 (うんどう) – exercise
仲 (なか) – relationship
達成感 (たっせいかん) – sense of accomplishment
負ける (まける) – to lose
悔しい (くやしい) – frustrating
共有する (きょうゆうする) – to share
強くなる (つよくなる) – to become stronger
経験 (けいけん) – experience
高校野球 (こうこうやきゅう) – high school baseball
甲子園 (こうしえん) – koshien (a famous high school baseball tournament in Japan)
若い (わかい) – young
頑張る (がんばる) – to do one’s best
家族 (かぞく) – family
観戦 (かんせん) – watching (a game)
思い出 (おもいで) – memory
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