スーパーに行きました – I Went to a Supermarket
【English Translation】
In Japan, there are many different types of supermarkets, ranging from large chain stores to small local supermarkets, each with their own unique characteristics. For example, large supermarkets have a wide variety of products, so you can buy everything you need at once. On the other hand, local supermarkets offer fresh, locally-produced foods, and you can enjoy the unique atmosphere of the area.
Yesterday, I went to the supermarket. At the supermarket, you can buy food and drinks. They have a wide selection of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, rice, bread, and more. There are also various products like juice and sweets, and just looking around is fun. I especially like looking at seasonal special offers and new products that change throughout the year.
First, I went to the vegetable section and bought cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots. The cucumbers and tomatoes will be used in a salad. The potatoes and carrots will go into a curry. In the meat section, I bought some pork for the curry. Then, I also bought bread and milk. I drink milk every day, so I always make sure to buy it. I also bought yogurt, which is perfect for breakfast. After that, I went to the sweets section. I found a new flavor of chocolate, so I bought it. There are so many sweets at the supermarket, like chocolates, potato chips, gummies, and more, that it was hard to decide which ones to get.
Finally, I went to the checkout to pay. The staff at the cash register was very quick and helped me with a smile. When packing the items into bags, they made sure to put the heavier items at the bottom and the lighter ones on top, which made me feel their thoughtfulness, and I was very happy.
Going to the supermarket is fun, and I love finding new things. For example, when I discover a new kind of candy or an unusual fruit, I get very excited. What kind of things do you usually buy at the supermarket? Do you have any favorite products or recommendations?
【Vocabulary List】
スーパー – supermarket
行く(いく) – to go
大きい(おおきい) – big, large
小さい(ちいさい) – small
地元(じもと) – local
たくさん – many, a lot
品物(しなもの) – goods, items
必要(ひつよう) – necessary
買う(かう) – to buy
食べ物(たべもの) – food
飲み物(のみもの) – drink
新鮮(しんせん) – fresh
野菜(やさい) – vegetables
果物(くだもの) – fruits
肉(にく) – meat
魚(さかな) – fish
お米(おこめ) – rice
パン – bread
ジュース – juice
お菓子(おかし) – sweets, snacks
季節(きせつ) – season
特売品(とくばいひん) – special offer items
新商品(しんしょうひん) – new products
最初(さいしょ) – first
予定(よてい) – plan, schedule
豚肉(ぶたにく) – pork
牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう) – milk
毎日(まいにち) – every day
朝ごはん(あさごはん) – breakfast
会計(かいけい) – payment, checkout
レジ – cash register
袋(ふくろ) – bag
重い(おもい) – heavy
軽い(かるい) – light
気配り(きくばり) – consideration, thoughtfulness
楽しい(たのしい) – fun, enjoyable
新しい(あたらしい) – new
見つける(みつける) – to find
普段(ふだん) – usually, generally
商品(しょうひん) – product
おすすめ – recommendation
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