ランチ – Lunch
【English Translation】
I went to a customized bowl shop for lunch with Nana-san this Monday. We enjoyed our lunch and conversation! There were lots of different bowls and everything looked good. I was debating which one to choose for a while in front of the kiosk. As I don’t like meat and fish, I ordered a vegetarian bowl. I love vegetables! The bowl was so good and I could eat lots of vegetables in just one bowl! I usually eat vegetables and often make a salad bowl by myself, but it is difficult to make a well-balanced and colorful one like the picture. It was a bit expensive, but I want to go there again and try a different bowl next time.
【Vocabulary List】
月曜日(げつようび)- Monday
カスタムボウル - a customized bowl
お店(みせ)- shop
ランチに - for lunch
行きました(いきました)- went
会話(かいわ)- conversation
楽しみました(たのしみました)- enjoyed
いろんな - lots of different, various
どれも - everything
おいしそう - looks good, delicious, yummy
券売機(けんばいき)- kiosk, meal ticket vending machine
前(まえ)- in front of
どれにしようか - which one to choose
迷っていました(まよっていました)- was debating, was thinking
肉(にく)- meat
魚(さかな)- fish
好きじゃない(すきじゃない)- don’t like
ベジタリアン - vegetarian
注文しました(ちゅうもんしました)- ordered
野菜(やさい)- vegetables
大好き(だいすき)- love, like so much
とても - so, very
ひとつで - in just one
たくさんの - lots of, many
食べる(たべる)- eat
できました - could
いつも - usually
よく - often
自分で(じぶんで)- by oneself
作る(つくる)- make
写真(しゃしん)- picture
のように - like
バランスよく - well-balanced
色鮮やか(いろあざやか)- colorful
難しい(むずかしい)- difficult
少し(すこし)- a bit
高かった(たかかった)- was expensive
また - again
今度(こんど)- next time
違う(ちがう)- different
試してみたい(ためしてみたい)- want to try
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