大学の申し込み – University Application









【English Translation】

Entering a university in Japan is a big dream for many students and an important step toward their future. At university, students can learn specialized knowledge and grow as individuals. There are many fields of study available, and students work hard to pursue their dreams.

First, think about what you want to study and choose a university that is strong in that field. It is also important to consider the location of the university, the campus atmosphere, and the support system. By doing so, you can find an environment that suits you best.

Once you have decided on a university, start preparing for the entrance exams. Many students study at cram schools or preparatory schools for the “The Common Test for University Admissions,” which includes subjects like English, mathematics, and Japanese. Cram schools and preparatory schools are facilities outside regular schools where many students go to prepare for their exams and improve their chances of getting into their desired universities.

Some universities also conduct interviews. The interview is a chance to convey your thoughts and let the university get to know you. In the interview, you are often asked why you chose that university, what your future goals are, and what you want to learn.

When entering university, many students start living alone, which is an important step towards independence. Additionally, gaining social experience through part-time jobs and club activities is one of the attractive aspects of university life.

Going to university expands your future possibilities and enriches your life through new friends and various experiences. What you learn and experience at university will have a significant impact on your future career and lifestyle. I sincerely hope that your university life will be wonderful.

【Vocabulary List】

大学 (だいがく) – university
申し込み (もうしこみ) – application
進学 (しんがく) – advancing to higher education
学生 (がくせい) – student
将来 (しょうらい) – future
重要 (じゅうよう) – important
知識 (ちしき) – knowledge
成長 (せいちょう) – growth
学問 (がくもん) – academic study
分野 (ぶんや) – field (of study)
努力 (どりょく) – effort
考える (かんがえる) – to think
選ぶ (えらぶ) – to choose
場所 (ばしょ) – location
雰囲気 (ふんいき) – atmosphere
サポート体制 (たいせい) – support system
環境 (かんきょう) – environment
入試 (にゅうし) – entrance exam
塾 (じゅく) – cram school
予備校 (よびこう) – preparatory school
共通テスト (きょうつうテスト) – common test (The Common Test for University Admissions)
試験 (しけん) – exam
志望校 (しぼうこう) – desired school
面接 (めんせつ) – interview
目標 (もくひょう) – goal
一人暮らし (ひとりぐらし) – living alone
自立 (じりつ) – independence
アルバイト – part-time job
サークル活動 (かつどう) – club activities
社会経験 (しゃかいけいけん) – social experience
可能性 (かのうせい) – possibility
人生 (じんせい) – life
経験 (けいけん) – experience
キャリア – career
素晴らしい (すばらしい) – wonderful

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