年末の大掃除 – Year-End Cleaning
【English Translation】
At the end of the year, Japan has a traditional custom called “Oosooji” (year-end cleaning). This practice is carried out to welcome the new year with a fresh mindset by thoroughly cleaning homes and workplaces, removing a year’s worth of dirt and unnecessary items.
Oosooji is not just about cleaning the house but also about resetting the mind. For a long time, Japanese culture has valued the concept of “purification.” It is believed that this act removes accumulated dirt and negative energy from the past year, bringing good fortune for the coming year.
The cleaning often includes areas that are usually overlooked, such as windows, curtains, air conditioner filters, the inside of refrigerators, and kitchen exhaust fans. Organizing closets and storage spaces like wardrobes also helps create a refreshed and airy environment throughout the house.
Although it can be a time-consuming task, playing your favorite music or working with family and friends can make it enjoyable and efficient. It also becomes a great opportunity to share conversations and connect on topics that don’t often come up during daily life.
When the cleaning is done, your house will sparkle, and your mood will be refreshed. Welcoming the new year in a clean and tidy space brings a sense of clarity and positivity. This year, why not enjoy the process of year-end cleaning while preparing for the new year?
Oosooji is a meaningful event that not only organizes your home but also aligns your heart and mind. Embrace this Japanese tradition and step into the new year with a fresh start!
【Vocabulary List】
年末(ねんまつ) – year-end
大掃除(おおそうじ) – major cleaning, year-end cleaning
伝統的(でんとうてき) – traditional
習慣(しゅうかん) – custom, habit
新しい年(あたらしいとし) – new year
気持ちよく(きもちよく) – pleasantly
家(いえ) – house
職場(しょくば) – workplace
汚れ(よごれ) – dirt
不要なもの(ふようなもの) – unnecessary items
行事(ぎょうじ) – event
心(こころ) – mind, heart
リセット – reset
意味(いみ) – meaning
清め(きよめ) – purification
文化(ぶんか) – culture
重んじられる(おもんじられる) – to be valued
運気(うんき) – luck, fortune
呼び込む(よびこむ) – to bring in
普段(ふだん) – usually, normally
手をつける(てをつける) – to handle, to touch
窓(まど) – window
カーテン – curtain
エアコン – air conditioner
フィルター – filter
冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ) – refrigerator
台所(だいどころ) – kitchen
換気扇(かんきせん) – ventilation fan
掃除(そうじ) – cleaning
押し入れ(おしいれ) – closet
クローゼット – closet
整理(せいり) – tidying, organization
部屋全体(へやぜんたい) – the entire room
空気(くうき) – air
流れる(ながれる) – to flow
手間(てま) – effort, labor
作業(さぎょう) – work, task
音楽(おんがく) – music
家族(かぞく) – family
友人(ゆうじん) – friend
一緒(いっしょ) – together
取り組む(とりくむ) – to tackle, to work on
共有する(きょうゆうする) – to share
機会(きかい) – opportunity
清潔(せいけつ) – cleanliness
空間(くうかん) – space
新年(しんねん) – new year
爽やか(さわやか) – refreshing
準備(じゅんび) – preparation
心を整える(こころをととのえる) – to align the heart, to reset the mind
伝統(でんとう) – tradition
素敵(すてき) – wonderful, lovely
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