年末の過ごし方 – How to Spend the Year-End


1. 大掃除

2. 年始の準備

3. 年越しそば

4. 紅白歌合戦

5. カウントダウン



1. 大掃除おおそうじ

2. 年始ねんし準備じゅんび

3. 年越としこしそば

4. 紅白歌合戦こうはくうたがっせん

5. カウントダウン


【English Translation】

Hello! Today, I want to introduce how to spend the year-end. The year-end is the end of the year, and it is a very important time in Japan for spending time with family and enjoying traditional events.

1. Major Cleaning (Oosouji)
In Japan, we do a “major cleaning” at the end of the year. Major cleaning is done to clean the house and prepare to welcome the new year with a fresh feeling. When the whole family helps with the cleaning, it feels really good!

2. Preparing for the New Year
We also prepare for the new year. For example, we buy Osechi food or prepare decorations like Kadomatsu and Shimenawa. Doing these preparations helps to build excitement for welcoming the new year.

3. New Year’s Eve Soba (Toshikoshi Soba)
On New Year’s Eve, we eat “Toshikoshi Soba.” The long noodles symbolize the wish for a long life. Eating soba with family and friends creates a warm atmosphere and makes for a fun time.

4. Red and White Song Battle (Kouhaku Uta Gassen)
Kouhaku Uta Gassen is a famous music program broadcast at the end of the year. Famous singers are divided into two teams, red and white, and compete with their songs. It’s nice to watch it with the whole family and relax.

5. Countdown
At the end of the year, we do a “countdown.” Everyone counts down “10, 9, 8…” together to welcome the new year. Celebrating the beginning of the new year with friends and family is a lot of fun and creates a lively atmosphere!

The year-end is a great opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. I hope everyone has a wonderful time this year as well. Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

【Vocabulary List】

年末(ねんまつ) – year-end
過ごし方(すごしかた) – way to spend (time)
紹介(しょうかい) – introduction
一年(いちねん) – one year
終わり(おわり) – end
家族(かぞく) – family
伝統的(でんとうてき) – traditional
行事(ぎょうじ) – event
大事(だいじ) – important
大掃除(おおそうじ) – major cleaning
家(いえ) – house
新しい(あたらしい) – new
迎える(むかえる) – to welcome
協力(きょうりょく) – cooperation
掃除(そうじ) – cleaning
気持ち(きもち) – feeling
年始(ねんし) – beginning of the year
準備(じゅんび) – preparation
おせち料理(おせちりょうり) – Osechi cuisine (traditional Japanese New Year food)
買い出し(かいだし) – shopping
門松(かどまつ) – Kadomatsu (traditional New Year decoration)
しめ縄(しめなわ) – Shimenawa (sacred rope decoration)
年越しそば(としこしそば) – New Year’s Eve soba
長生き(ながいき) – long life
願う(ねがう) – to wish
雰囲気(ふんいき) – atmosphere
紅白歌合戦(こうはくうたがっせん) – Red and White Song Battle
放送(ほうそう) – broadcast
有名(ゆうめい) – famous
歌手(かしゅ) – singer
紅組(こうぐみ) – red team
白組(しろぐみ) – white team
対決(たいけつ) – contest
のんびり – relaxed
カウントダウン – countdown
数字(すうじ) – number
数える(かぞえる) – to count
祝う(いわう) – to celebrate
盛り上がる(もりあがる) – to get excited
機会(きかい) – opportunity
素敵(すてき) – wonderful
良いお年を(よいおとしを) – Happy New Year

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