引っ越し – Moving
【English Translation】
Moving can be tough, but there’s also a feeling of excitement that comes with starting a new life, right? When you imagine life in your new home, the anticipation of all the joys awaiting you grows. Today, let’s focus on moving and preparing for a new chapter in life.
Preparing for the Move
Before moving, it’s important to organize your belongings. Disposing of unnecessary items or recycling them is key. For example, sorting through old clothes, unused appliances, and broken furniture can be helpful. The fewer items you have, the easier the moving process will be. Then, contact a moving company to get an estimate. Spring (March to April) is the peak moving season, so it’s best to book early. During this time, many people start new lives, and the beginning of the school or work year means that more people are moving, which makes it harder to book a moving company. Also, prepare cardboard boxes and gradually start packing. Creating a list of necessary items can help prevent forgetting anything.
Moving Procedures
There are several procedures required for moving. Submit your moving-out and moving-in notifications at the city hall to register your new address. Don’t forget to transfer utilities like electricity, gas, and water. Some of these procedures can be done online, but handling them early will give you peace of mind. You can also notify the post office of your address change so that mail sent to your old address will be forwarded to your new one.
Moving Day
On moving day, the movers will transport your furniture and belongings. Japanese moving companies are very thorough, ensuring that furniture is carefully packed and the rooms are kept clean. For example, they may disassemble furniture to make it easier to move in and out, or lay protective mats on the floor of the new home to prevent damage—these kinds of detailed services are their hallmark. Once you’ve moved into the new house, start by organizing essential items like bedding and kitchenware. Cleaning the house after the move is also important. Before unpacking everything, it’s helpful to set up the essentials needed for daily life first.
Greeting Neighbors
In Japan, it’s customary to greet your neighbors after moving in. A simple greeting like, “I look forward to getting to know you,” along with a small gift, is a good gesture. Especially in apartments, greeting the neighbors above, below, and next to you is important for building good relationships. This greeting can also help establish cooperative relationships in case of noise issues or emergencies.
Moving requires preparation and various procedures, but the anticipation of a new life is also exciting. Make a plan and handle the necessary procedures properly. Getting help from family and friends can make the move more enjoyable. Let’s make a great start in your new environment!
【Vocabulary List】
引っ越し(ひっこし) – moving, relocation
大変(たいへん) – tough, difficult
新しい(あたらしい) – new
生活(せいかつ) – life, livelihood
始まり(はじまり) – beginning
想像(そうぞう) – imagination
楽しみ(たのしみ) – enjoyment, pleasure
期待(きたい) – expectation, anticipation
準備(じゅんび) – preparation
荷物(にもつ) – luggage, belongings
不要(ふよう) – unnecessary
処分(しょぶん) – disposal
整理(せいり) – organization, sorting
業者(ぎょうしゃ) – contractor, service provider
見積もり(みつもり) – estimate
予約(よやく) – reservation, booking
シーズン – season
新年度(しんねんど) – new fiscal year, new school year
準備する(じゅんびする) – to prepare
荷造り(にづくり) – packing
手続き(てつづき) – procedure
市役所(しやくしょ) – city hall
転出届(てんしゅつとどけ) – moving-out notification
転入届(てんにゅうとどけ) – moving-in notification
移転(いてん) – transfer, relocation
郵便局(ゆうびんきょく) – post office
住所変更(じゅうしょへんこう) – address change
丁寧(ていねい) – polite, careful
梱包(こんぽう) – packing, packaging
分解(ぶんかい) – disassembly
養生(ようじょう)マット – curing mat
整える(ととのえる) – to arrange, to prepare
近所(きんじょ) – neighborhood
手土産(てみやげ) – small gift
良好(りょうこう) – good, favorable
緊急時(きんきゅうじ) – in case of emergency
協力(きょうりょく) – cooperation
計画(けいかく) – plan
手伝う(てつだう) – to help, to assist
素晴らしい(すばらしい) – wonderful
段ボール(だんぼーる) – cardboard
忘れ物(わすれもの) – forgotten item
登録(とうろく) – registration
安心(あんしん) – peace of mind
必要(ひつよう) – necessary
家電(かでん) – home appliances
新居(しんきょ) – new residence
床(ゆか) – floor
搬入出(はんにゅうしゅつ) – carrying in/out
掃除(そうじ) – cleaning
最低限(さいていげん) – minimum
便利(べんり) – convenient
関係(かんけい) – relationship
騒音(そうおん) – noise
場合(ばあい) – case, situation
協力する(きょうりょくする) – to cooperate
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