忘れられない日 – A Day I Cannot Forget













【English Translation】

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to write about “a day I cannot forget.” Do you also have an unforgettable day?

My unforgettable day was in the summer of last year. I went to the beach with my friends. That day was very hot. The sky was blue, and the sun was sparkling. It was so beautiful!

We arrived at the beach at 9 a.m. First, we bought rice balls and juice at a convenience store near the beach. Then, we all went into the water. The water was cold and felt very refreshing.

However, there was a small problem. My friend’s sunglasses fell into the sea! We all searched for them, but we couldn’t find them. Even so, we laughed a lot and had a wonderful time together.

In the evening, we watched the sunset by the shore. The orange sky and the sea were incredibly beautiful. We said to each other, “Let’s come back next year.”

This day truly became an unforgettable day for me. What is your unforgettable day like? Please let me know in the comments!

【Vocabulary List】

忘れられない (わすれられない) – unforgettable
去年 (きょねん) – last year
夏 (なつ) – summer
友だち (ともだち) – friend
海 (うみ) – sea, beach
暑い (あつい) – hot
空 (そら) – sky
太陽 (たいよう) – sun
キラキラ – sparkling
午前 (ごぜん) – morning (A.M.)
コンビニ – convenience store
おにぎり – rice ball
ジュース – juice
冷たい (つめたい) – cold
気持ち (きもち) – feeling
大変 (たいへん) – troublesome, hard
サングラス – sunglasses
落ちる (おちる) – to fall
探す (さがす) – to search
笑う (わらう) – to laugh
楽しい (たのしい) – fun
夕方 (ゆうがた) – evening
海辺 (うみべ) – seaside
夕日 (ゆうひ) – sunset
美しい (うつくしい) – beautiful
来年 (らいねん) – next year

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