日本の学校文化祭 – Japanese School Cultural Festival
【English Translation】
Hello everyone! Today, I would like to introduce the Japanese school cultural festival. The cultural festival is a very enjoyable event that takes place every year in junior high and high schools in Japan.
During the cultural festival, students work together in their classes or clubs to prepare various activities and displays. For example, they set up food stalls, create haunted houses, or perform plays. The students come up with ideas together and work hard to prepare.
On the day of the cultural festival, the school becomes very lively. Not only the students, but also their families and friends come to enjoy the event together. There are many food stalls, offering things like takoyaki and yakisoba, and you can enjoy various foods. You can also watch dance and music performances, which make the event even more exciting.
The cultural festival becomes a cherished memory for the students. By working together to prepare, their bonds with friends grow stronger. Seeing their efforts come to life and bring joy to others is a very rewarding experience.
The cultural festival is a special event in Japanese school life. If you ever have the opportunity, please be sure to experience a cultural festival!
【Vocabulary List】
学校文化祭(がっこうぶんかさい)- school cultural festival
こんにちは – Hello
紹介(しょうかい)- introduction
中学校(ちゅうがっこう)- junior high school
高校(こうこう)- high school
毎年(まいとし)- every year
楽しい(たのしい)- fun
イベント – event
生徒(せいと)- student
クラス – class
部活動(ぶかつどう)- club activity
協力(きょうりょく)- cooperation
出し物(だしもの)- display, attraction, performance
準備(じゅんび)- preparation
例えば(たとえば)- for example
食べ物(たべもの)- food
屋台(やたい)- stall, booth
お化け屋敷(おばけやしき)- haunted house
演劇(えんげき)- play, drama
一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)- with all one’s effort
当日(とうじつ)- on the day
にぎやか – lively
家族(かぞく)- family
友達(ともだち)- friend
一緒に(いっしょに)- together
たこ焼き(たこやき)- takoyaki (octopus dumplings)
焼きそば(やきそば)- yakisoba (fried noodles)
ダンス – dance
音楽(おんがく)- music
パフォーマンス – performance
思い出(おもいで)- memory
絆(きずな)- bond, connection
努力(どりょく)- effort
形(かたち)- form, shape
嬉しい(うれしい)- happy
特別(とくべつ)- special
学校生活(がっこうせいかつ)- school life
機会(きかい)- opportunity
体験(たいけん)- experience
Wow! These blogs offer so much cultural insight and the three different translations are such a big help when practicing reading and grammar. Thank you!