私の冬休み – My Winter Holiday
【English Translation】
Winter vacation is my favorite time of the year. This year’s winter vacation started on December 20th. When school ended, I was so happy and thought, “Let’s do lots of fun things!” At home, I relaxed and talked with my friends about our plans.
December 25th was Christmas. I spent the day with my family. In the morning, there were presents under the Christmas tree. I received a cute scarf and was very happy. In the evening, we ate cake together as a family. The sweet and delicious cake became a special memory for me.
A special day during winter vacation was New Year’s Eve. On December 31st, I ate “Toshikoshi Soba” with my family. It is said that eating this soba will help you live a long life. After that, we watched the “Kouhaku Uta Gassen” on TV to prepare for the new year. At midnight, we all said, “Happy New Year!” together.
January 1st, New Year’s Day, was also unforgettable. In the morning, we ate Osechi Ryori. Osechi Ryori includes various dishes, and they were beautifully arranged and very delicious. Later, my family and I visited a shrine to pray for health and happiness in the coming year.
This year’s winter vacation was filled with memories of Christmas, New Year’s Day, and more. I am already looking forward to next year’s winter vacation.
Winter vacation is a special time. I enjoyed spending it with my family and friends and experiencing traditional Japanese events. What kind of memories do you have from your winter vacation?
【Vocabulary List】
冬休み(ふゆやすみ)- winter vacation
学校(がっこう)- school
嬉しい(うれしい)- happy
家(いえ)- home
リラックス – relax
友だち(ともだち)- friend
予定(よてい)- plan
話す(はなす)- to talk
クリスマス – Christmas
家族(かぞく)- family
朝(あさ)- morning
ツリー – tree
プレゼント – present
マフラー – scarf
夜(よる)- evening/night
ケーキ – cake
特別(とくべつ)- special
思い出(おもいで)- memory
大みそか(おおみそか)- New Year’s Eve
年越しそば(としこしそば)- New Year’s soba noodles
長生き(ながいき)- long life
紅白歌合戦(こうはくうたがっせん)- Red and White Singing Contest
新年(しんねん)- new year
お正月(おしょうがつ)- New Year’s Day
おせち料理(おせちりょうり)- traditional New Year’s cuisine
色々(いろいろ)- various
美しい(うつくしい)- beautiful
神社(じんじゃ)- shrine
健康(けんこう)- health
幸せ(しあわせ)- happiness
お祈り(おいのり)- prayer
来年(らいねん)- next year
特別(とくべつ)- special
時間(じかん)- time
伝統(でんとう)- tradition
行事(ぎょうじ)- event
楽しむ(たのしむ)- to enjoy
思い出(おもいで)- memory
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