雨の日 – A Rainy Day









【English Translation】

Today is a rainy day. It’s dark outside, and the rain is gently falling. When it rains, the air becomes cool and refreshing. Today, I decided to spend a relaxing day at home.

Rainy days are a great chance to enjoy a different kind of relaxing time. In the morning, I woke up slowly while listening to the sound of the rain and had a warm cup of tea. After that, I tidied up my room a little and watered the plants.

Watching TV or reading a book is also one of the joys of a rainy day. As I lounged around, I started feeling sleepy, so I took a short nap. In the afternoon, I tried making some simple sweets. Using ingredients I had at home, I baked some cookies. The smell of freshly baked cookies spread throughout the room, filling me with happiness. Eating the cookies with a warm drink was absolutely delightful.

A rainy day is a special day where you can take a break from the busy routine of daily life and spend some quiet time. The sound of the rain is like nature’s music, and it’s very soothing.

Why don’t you try enjoying a rainy day too? Find something unique to rainy days, like reading, cooking, or discovering a new hobby. Once you discover the charm of rainy days, you’ll be able to spend them in an even more wonderful way.

【Vocabulary List】

雨の日 (あめのひ) – Rainy day
外 (そと) – Outside
暗い (くらい) – Dark
しとしと – Gently (used to describe rain)
降る (ふる) – To fall (rain/snow)
空気 (くうき) – Air
雨音 (あまおと) – sound of rainfall
温かい (あたたかい) – Warm
お茶 (おちゃ) – Tea
片付ける (かたづける) – To tidy up
部屋 (へや) – Room
水やり (みずやり) – Watering plants
テレビ – Television
本 (ほん) – Book
読む (よむ) – To read
ごろごろする – To chill/relax
昼寝 (ひるね) – Nap
作る (つくる) – To make
お菓子 (おかし) – Sweets/snacks
クッキー – Cookie (Katakana loanword)
焼きたての香り (やきたてのかおり) – Freshly baked smell
部屋中 (へやじゅう) – Throughout the room
幸せ (しあわせ) – Happiness
飲み物 (のみもの) – Drink
最高 (さいこう) – Best
日常 (にちじょう) – Daily life
忙しい (いそがしい) – Busy
音楽 (おんがく) – Music
自然 (しぜん) – Nature
癒され (いやされ) – Healing/soothing
試す (ためす) – To try
新しい (あたらしい) – New
見つける (みつける) – To find/discover
魅力 (みりょく) – Charm/attraction

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