雪景色 — Snowy Landscape
1. 北海道
2. 白川郷
3. 金沢の兼六園
1. 暖かい服を着る
2. 雪で遊ぶ
3. 写真を撮る
1. 北海道
2. 白川郷
3. 金沢の兼六園
1. 暖かい服を着る
2. 雪で遊ぶ
3. 写真を撮る
【English Translation】
When winter arrives, you can see beautiful snowy landscapes in many places across Japan. Particularly in the northern regions and mountainous areas, the scenery of pure white snow spreading out is breathtaking.
Famous Snowy Landscape Spots
- Hokkaido
Located in the northernmost part of Japan, Hokkaido receives a lot of snow in winter. At the Sapporo Snow Festival, you can see large sculptures made of snow and ice. - Shirakawago
Shirakawago is a village in Gifu Prefecture and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In winter, the gassho-style houses covered in snow are incredibly beautiful. - Kenrokuen in Kanazawa
Kenrokuen, one of Japan’s three most famous gardens, features stunning “yukitsuri” during winter. Yukitsuri is a traditional method of protecting tree branches from breaking under the weight of snow.
Tips for Enjoying Snowy Landscapes
- Wear Warm Clothes
It’s very cold in snowy areas, so don’t forget your coat, gloves, and scarf. - Play in the Snow
You can enjoy activities like building snowmen or having snowball fights. - Take Photos
Snowy landscapes are so beautiful that they’re worth capturing. The combination of white snow and blue skies is especially picturesque.
On snowy days, familiar scenes transform into a completely different world. The quietness of a snowy landscape has a unique way of calming your heart. In Japan, there are many events and festivals to enjoy the snow, so be sure to experience them.
What kind of snowy landscape do you want to see this winter? Let us know in the comments!
【Vocabulary List】
雪景色(ゆきげしき)- snowy landscape
冬(ふゆ)- winter
来る(くる)- to come
多く(おおく)- many
場所(ばしょ)- place
美しい(うつくしい)- beautiful
見る(みる)- to see
特に(とくに)- especially
北(きた)- north
地方(ちほう)- region
山(やま)- mountain
地域(ちいき)- area
真っ白な(まっしろな)- pure white
雪(ゆき)- snow
広がる(ひろがる)- to spread
景色(けしき)- scenery
有名な(ゆうめいな)- famous
北海道(ほっかいどう)- Hokkaido
なる – to become
たくさん – many, a lot
降る(ふる)- to fall (rain/snow)
札幌(さっぽろ)- Sapporo
雪祭り(ゆきまつり)- snow festival
氷(こおり)- ice
作る(つくる)- to make
大きな(おおきな)- big
像(ぞう)- statue
白川郷(しらかわごう)- Shirakawago
岐阜県(ぎふけん)- Gifu Prefecture
村(むら)- village
世界遺産(せかいいさん)- World Heritage Site
合掌造り(がっしょうづくり)- Gassho-style house
家(いえ)- house
包まれる(つつまれる)- to be wrapped
金沢(かなざわ)- Kanazawa
兼六園(けんろくえん)- Kenrokuen
三名園(さんめいえん)- three famous gardens
雪吊り(ゆきづり)- snow suspension (tree protection method)
木(き)- tree
重さ(おもさ)- weight
折れる(おれる)- to break (in half)
工夫(くふう)- ingenuity, idea
楽しむ(たのしむ)- to enjoy
ポイント – point, tip
暖かい(あたたかい)- warm
服(ふく)- clothes
着る(きる)- to wear
中(なか)- inside
寒い(さむい)- cold
コート – coat
手袋(てぶくろ)- gloves
マフラー – scarf
忘れる(わすれる)- to forget
遊ぶ(あそぶ)- to play
雪だるま(ゆきだるま)- snowman
雪合戦(ゆきがっせん)- snowball fight
写真(しゃしん)- photo
撮る(とる)- to take (a photo)
青空(あおぞら)- blue sky
合う(あう)- to match
魅力(みりょく)- charm, appeal
世界(せかい)- world
見える(みえる)- to appear, be visible
静かな(しずかな)- quiet
心(こころ)- heart
落ち着ける(おちつける)- to calm
特別な(とくべつな)- special
体験する(たいけんする)- to experience
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