オールしました – I stayed up all night















【English Translation】

Hello, everyone!

Last week, my friends invited me to stay up all night! “Staying up all night” means spending the whole night awake.

I went to a bar with my friends. We enjoyed delicious drinks and had great conversations. We visited both quiet bars and lively ones. We also talked with the bartender, who recommended some cocktails and shared stories about regular customers. The conversations were interesting, and time flew by before we knew it.

After that, we took a walk around the city at night. The atmosphere was completely different from the daytime, which was fascinating. There were so many people out, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. We found a ramen shop and decided to have a late-night snack. The warm ramen was incredibly delicious and perfect for our tired bodies.

Then, we went to karaoke. We sang loudly with our friends and had so much fun. We sang our favorite songs, laughed a lot, danced, and took photos. We made the most of our night together.

But when morning came, I started feeling sleepy. As the sun rose, it felt surreal. Still, it was a great experience! Spending the night with friends is truly special, and it was a different kind of fun from our usual outings.

Have you ever stayed up all night? What did you do? Let me know in the comments!

【Vocabulary List】

先週(せんしゅう)- last week
夜(よる)- night
友達(ともだち)- friend
誘う(さそう)- to invite
オールする – to stay up all night
一晩(ひとばん)- all night, overnight
寝る(ねる)- to sleep
一緒に(いっしょに)- together
バー – bar
美味しい(おいしい)- delicious
お酒(おさけ)- alcohol, sake
飲む(のむ)- to drink
楽しい(たのしい)- fun, enjoyable
話す(はなす)- to talk, to speak
静か(しずか)- quiet
にぎやか – lively
バーテンダー – bartender
おすすめ – recommendation
カクテル – cocktail
常連(じょうれん)- regular customer
お客さん(おきゃくさん)- customer, guest
興味深い(きょうみぶかい)- interesting
あっという間(あっというま)- in an instant, quickly
時間(じかん)- time
街(まち)- town, city
散歩する(さんぽする)- to take a walk
雰囲気(ふんいき)- atmosphere
面白い(おもしろい)- interesting, fun
たくさん – a lot, many
楽しそう(たのしそう)- seeming to have fun
ラーメン屋(ラーメンや)- ramen shop
見つける(みつける)- to find
夜食(やしょく)- late-night snack
温かい(あたたかい)- warm
疲れる(つかれる)- to get tired
体(からだ)- body
ぴったり – perfectly suited, just right
そのあと – after that カラオケ – karaoke
大きな(おおきな)- big, large
声(こえ)- voice
歌う(うたう)- to sing
笑う(わらう)- to laugh
踊る(おどる)- to dance
写真(しゃしん)- photo
撮る(とる)- to take (a photo)
朝(あさ)- morning
眠い(ねむい)- sleepy
日が昇る(ひがのぼる)- the sun rises
不思議(ふしぎ)- mysterious, strange
非日常(ひにちじょう)- unusual, extraordinary
味わう(あじわう)- to experience, to savor
経験(けいけん)- experience
特別(とくべつ)- special
いつも – always, usual
違う(ちがう)- different

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