今年チャレンジしたいこと – Things I Want to Try This Year
1. 言語の勉強をがんばる!
2. 楽しいレッスンやイベントを作る!
1. 言語の勉強をがんばる!
2. 楽しいレッスンやイベントを作る!
【English Translation】
Hello, everyone!
This year, I want to challenge myself with new experiences and grow even more. Today, I’d like to share two of my goals. Setting goals helps clarify what needs to be done and boosts motivation. What do you want to challenge yourself with this year? Take a moment to think about it!
1. Working Hard on Language Learning!
I teach Japanese, but I also study other languages. This year, I want to improve even more. I plan to study little by little every day, have conversations with native speakers, and do my best! Learning a language isn’t easy, but consistency is key. I want to listen to a lot of spoken language, write down new vocabulary in my notebook, and gradually level up my skills. In particular, I aim to increase my speaking practice so I can speak with more confidence. Let’s work hard together!
2. Creating Fun Lessons and Events!
I want to create more enjoyable sessions and events for NanaFam. Last year, we had fun activities like an onigiri-making event and an online song session. This year, I’m planning quiz-based sessions and cultural experiences where we can explore Japanese traditions. For example, it would be fun to try traditional Japanese games or learn origami and calligraphy. I want to help everyone learn new things while using Japanese in a fun and engaging way.
What do you want to challenge yourself with this year? Starting something new can be tough, but taking small steps will surely lead to growth! Let me know in the comments!
Let’s work hard together!
【Vocabulary List】
今年(ことし) – this year
新しい(あたらしい) – new
成長(せいちょう) – growth, development
目標(もくひょう) – goal, target
立てる(たてる) – to set up, to establish
やるべきこと – things to do, tasks to accomplish
モチベーション – motivation
考える(かんがえる) – to think, to consider
言語(げんご) – language
勉強(べんきょう) – study, learning
上達(じょうたつ) – improvement, progress
毎日(まいにち) – every day
少しずつ(すこしずつ) – little by little
会話(かいわ) – conversation
ネイティブ – native speaker
続ける(つづける) – to continue
リスニング – listening
単語(たんご) – vocabulary, words
ノートに書く(ノートにかく) – to write in a notebook
レベルアップ – level up, improvement
スピーキング – speaking
自信(じしん) – confidence
楽しい(たのしい) – fun, enjoyable
セッション – session
イベント – event
去年(きょねん) – last year
体験(たいけん) – experience
おにぎり – rice ball
クイズ – quiz
文化(ぶんか) – culture
伝統的(でんとうてき) – traditional
遊び(あそび) – play, game
折り紙(おりがみ) – origami
書道(しょどう) – calligraphy
学ぶ(まなぶ) – to learn
始める(はじめる) – to start
成長する(せいちょうする) – to grow, to develop
If you want to learn Japanese, improve your skills, or connect with native speakers and other learners, we can help. We offer one-on-one lessons, a supportive community, and on demand courses.
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