How to Use 〜たり、〜たり in Japanese

If you’re learning Japanese, you’ve probably come across 〜たり、〜たり. This structure is a useful way to list multiple actions without implying a strict order. It’s often used when talking about activities you do (or did) among other things. Let’s break it down step by step!

What is 〜たり、〜たり?

The 〜たり、〜たり structure is used to list examples of actions in a non-exhaustive way. It’s similar to saying “I do things like A and B” in English. This form suggests that the actions mentioned are just some of the things you do, not a complete list.

For example: 週末しゅうまつ映画えいがたり、ほんんだりします。 (Shuumatsu wa eiga o mitari, hon o yondari shimasu.) = “On weekends, I do things like watching movies and reading books.”

This doesn’t mean you only watch movies and read books—it just gives a couple of examples.

How to Form 〜たり、〜たり

To use this structure, you need the past tense short form of verbs and attach 〜り to each verb:

[Verb (short, past)] + り、[Verb (short, past)] + りする(します)

Here’s how it works with different verbs:

Verb (Dictionary Form)Short, PastExample Sentence
べる (to eat)べたピザをべたり、ラーメンをべたりします。 (I eat things like pizza and ramen.)
む (to drink)んだコーヒーをんだり、おちゃんだりします。 (I drink things like coffee and tea.)
く (to go)った週末しゅうまつ公園こうえんったり、カフェにったりします。 (On weekends, I go to places like the park and cafes.)

Pro tip: Even though the verb する is often used at the end, it can be replaced with なる when describing changing states.

  • あつくなったり、さむくなったりします。 (Atsukunattari, samukunattari shimasu.) = “It gets hot and cold (the temperature fluctuates).”

When to Use 〜たり、〜たり

Talking about repeated activities or habits

  • ゲームをしたり、音楽おんがくいたりします。 (Geemu o shitari, ongaku o kiitari shimasu.) = “I do things like playing games and listening to music.”

Talking about past experiences

  • 旅行りょこう京都きょうとったり、大阪おおさかでたこきをべたりしました。 (Ryokoo de Kyoto ni ittari, Osaka de takoyaki o tabetari shimashita.) = “During my trip, I went to Kyoto and ate takoyaki in Osaka.”

Describing fluctuating conditions

  • 天気てんきかったり、わるかったりします。 (Tenki ga yokattari, warukattari shimasu.) = “The weather is sometimes good, sometimes bad.”

Fun Practice Idea

Try writing a sentence about your weekend, hobbies, or daily routine using 〜たり、〜たり!

  • あなたの週末しゅうまつはどんなことをしますか? (What do you do on weekends?)
  • どんなスポーツをしたりしますか? (What kind of sports do you do?)
  • 学校がっこう仕事しごとではどんなことをしますか? (What kind of things do you do at school or work?)

Share your sentences in the comments!

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