お金と幸せどちらが大事? – Which one is more important, money or happiness?




しあわせは、心の中にあります。家族や友だちといっしょにすごす時間、おいしいごはんを食べること、好きなことをすること… これらはお金がなくてもできることです。小さなことでも、しあわせを感じることができます。たとえば、きれいな花を見ることや、好きな音楽を聞くことも、しあわせですね。


みなさんは、どう思いますか? お金としあわせ、どちらがいちばん大事ですか? お金がなくても、しあわせになれると思いますか? それとも、お金がないとしあわせにはなれないでしょうか?





しあわせは、こころなかにあります。家族かぞくともだちといっしょにすごす時間じかん、おいしいごはんをべること、きなことをすること… これらはおかねがなくてもできることです。ちいさなことでも、しあわせをかんじることができます。たとえば、きれいなはなることや、きな音楽おんがくくことも、しあわせですね。


みなさんは、どうおもいますか? おかねとしあわせ、どちらがいちばん大事だいじですか? おかねがなくても、しあわせになれるとおもいますか? それとも、おかねがないとしあわせにはなれないでしょうか?


【English Translation】

Money is very important. Without money, you cannot buy food. You cannot have a place to live. It is also difficult to go to the hospital. You cannot travel either. With money, you can do many things. You can buy new clothes, eat at delicious restaurants, and enjoy your hobbies.

But, if you have money, does that mean you will be happy?

There are people who have money but are not happy. Even if someone has a lot of money, they might always be busy and not have time to spend with their family. Some people work too much and become very stressed. Even if they have money, if they do not have friends, they might feel lonely.

Happiness is in your heart. Spending time with family and friends, eating delicious food, and doing what you love… These are things you can do even without money. You can feel happiness from small things. For example, looking at beautiful flowers or listening to your favorite music can also make you happy.

However, if you have no money at all, it becomes a problem. If you have no food or a place to live, it is difficult to feel happiness. That is why both money and happiness are important. A good balance is necessary. Earning money while also valuing happiness is important.

What do you think? Which is more important, money or happiness? Do you think you can be happy without money? Or do you think it is impossible to be happy without money?

Let me know in the comments!

【Vocabulary List】

お金(おかね)- Money
幸せ(しあわせ)- Happiness
大事(だいじ)- Important
買う(かう)- To buy
家(いえ)- House, home
住む(すむ)- To live
病院(びょういん)- Hospital
行く(いく)- To go
旅行(りょこう)- Travel
新しい(あたらしい)- New
服(ふく)- Clothes
レストラン – Restaurant
食事(しょくじ)- Meal
趣味(しゅみ)- Hobby
楽しむ(たのしむ)- To enjoy
人(ひと)- Person, people
たくさん – A lot, many
持つ(もつ)- To have, to hold
忙しい(いそがしい)- Busy
家族(かぞく)- Family
過ごす(すごす)- To spend (time)
仕事(しごと)- Work, job
ストレス – Stress
溜まる(たまる)- To accumulate
友だち(ともだち)- Friend
寂しい(さびしい)- Lonely
心(こころ)- Heart, mind
中(なか)- Inside
一緒に(いっしょに)- Together
美味しい(おいしい)- Delicious
食べる(たべる)- To eat
好き(すき)- Like, favorite
できる – To be able to do
小さな(ちいさな)- Small
感じる(かんじる)- To feel
例えば(たとえば)- For example
綺麗(きれい)- Beautiful, clean
花(はな)- Flower
見る(みる)- To see, to watch
音楽(おんがく)- Music
聞く(きく)- To listen, to hear
全然(ぜんぜん)- Not at all (with negative verb)
困る(こまる)- To be troubled, to be in trouble
食べ物(たべもの)- Food
場所(ばしょ)- Place
必要(ひつよう)- Necessary
稼ぐ(かせぐ)- To earn (money)
大切(たいせつ)- Important, precious
思う(おもう)- To think
一番(いちばん)- The most, number one

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