Expressing “Before” and “After” in Japanese

When learning Japanese, understanding how to express “before” and “after” is essential for daily conversations. Whether you’re talking about events, schedules, or actions, knowing the correct expressions will help you communicate more naturally. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use “before” and “after” in Japanese with clear explanations and examples. 😊

1. Expressing “Before” in Japanese ⏳

In Japanese, “before” can be expressed using 前(まえ – mae). It can be used for both nouns and verbs, but the structure changes slightly depending on what you’re referring to.

① Before a Noun

When referring to a time period or event before a noun, you use [noun] のまえ.


  • 🍽️ 食事しょくじまえあらってください。 (Shokuji no mae ni te o aratte kudasai.) → Please wash your hands before a meal.
  • ☕ 授業じゅぎょうまえにコーヒーをみます。 (Jugyoo no mae ni koohii o nomimasu.) → I drink coffee before class.

② Before an Action (Verb dictionary form + まえ)

When talking about an action that happens before another action, use 辞書形じしょけい (dictionary form) + まえ.


  • 📖 まえほんみます。 (Neru mae ni hon o yomimasu.) → I read a book before sleeping.
  • 🌤️ かけるまえ天気てんきをチェックします。 (Dekakeru mae ni tenki o chekku shimasu.) → I check the weather before going out.

2. Expressing “After” in Japanese ⏭️

“After” in Japanese is commonly expressed using 後(あと – ato). Similar to “before,” the structure changes based on whether you are referring to a noun or a verb.

① After a Noun

When referring to a time period or event after a noun, use [noun] のあと.


  • 🍰 食事しょくじあとでデザートをべます。 (Shokuji no ato de dezaato o tabemasu.) → I eat dessert after a meal.
  • 📚 授業じゅぎょうあと図書館としょかんきます。 (Jugyoo no ato de toshokan e ikimasu.) → I go to the library after class.

② After an Action (Verb + あと)

When talking about an action that happens after another action, use けい (た-form) + あと.


  • 🎮 宿題しゅくだいをしたあとでゲームをします。 (Shukudai o shita ato de geemu o shimasu.) → I play games after doing my homework.
  • 🎬 映画えいがあとでカフェにきました。 (Eega o mita ato de kafe ni ikimashita.) → I went to a café after watching a movie.

4. Practice Sentences ✏️

Try translating these sentences into Japanese:

  1. I brush my teeth before going to bed. →
  2. After studying, I will watch TV. →
  3. Let’s meet after lunch. →
  4. Wash your hands before eating. →


  1. まえみがきます。
  2. 勉強べんきょうしたあとでテレビをます。
  3. ひるはんあといましょう。
  4. べるまえあらってください。

Conclusion 🎯

Mastering 前(まえ) and 後(あと) is crucial for improving your Japanese. By practicing these sentence patterns, you’ll be able to naturally talk about sequences of events. Try using them in your daily conversations to get more comfortable! 💪

Let us know in the comments—what’s something you always do before or after studying Japanese? 😊

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