日本の働く文化 – Work Culture in Japan
1. 長い労働時間
2. チームワークを大切にする
3. 連帯責任の考え方
4. 敬語とマナー
5. 変わりつつある働き方
1. 長い労働時間
2. チームワークを大切にする
3. 連帯責任の考え方
4. 敬語とマナー
5. 変わりつつある働き方
【English Translation】
Japan has a unique work culture. This is a way of thinking that has been valued in Japanese society for a long time. Work styles differ from country to country, but knowing about this culture will be helpful when working in Japan. Here, we introduce some key aspects of Japan’s work culture.
1. Long Working Hours
In Japanese companies, many people continue working even after their scheduled working hours end. For example, if a boss is still working, some employees may feel uncomfortable leaving before them. Additionally, people often work overtime to quickly resolve work-related problems. Some also come to work early in the morning or even work on holidays. However, recently, “work style reform” has been progressing, and there is a growing movement to reduce working hours.
2. Emphasis on Teamwork
In Japanese companies, teamwork is highly valued. Employees help each other with their tasks and work efficiently together to achieve shared goals. For this reason, many people attend “drinking parties” after work to strengthen relationships with colleagues and superiors. Furthermore, to enhance team unity, companies often organize training trips and sports events.
3. The Concept of Collective Responsibility
In Japan, a single mistake by one person can become an issue for the entire company. For example, if someone makes an error, other employees may also have to explain or apologize to clients. This idea is known as “collective responsibility.” To protect the company’s reputation, employees work together to solve problems rather than placing the blame on a single individual. Because of this, mutual support among colleagues is extremely important.
4. Politeness and Business Etiquette
In Japanese companies, the way people use language and their manners are very important. Employees must use polite language, especially when speaking to their superiors or older colleagues. For example, instead of saying “please do this” (やってください), they would say “I humbly request this” (お願いいたします). Additionally, business etiquette, such as the proper way to exchange business cards or speak in meetings, is strictly observed. Many new employees receive etiquette training when they join a company.
5. Changing Work Styles
Recently, work styles in Japan have been gradually changing. More companies are adopting remote work and flexible working hours. There is also a growing awareness of the importance of maintaining a balance between work and private life. More companies are making it easier for employees to take paid leave. Additionally, an increasing number of companies are welcoming foreign workers.
If you plan to work in Japan, understanding these aspects of the work culture will be beneficial. Work styles will continue to evolve, but understanding Japanese culture will help create a more comfortable working environment.
【Vocabulary List】
働く文化 (はたらくぶんか) – Work culture
特別な (とくべつな) – Special, unique
社会 (しゃかい) – Society
大切にする (たいせつにする) – To cherish, to value
考え方 (かんがえかた) – Way of thinking
働き方 (はたらきかた) – Way of working
特徴 (とくちょう) – Characteristic, feature
労働時間 (ろうどうじかん) – Working hours
決められた (きめられた) – Fixed, designated
上司 (じょうし) – Boss, superior
帰りづらい (かえりづらい) – Difficult to leave
残業 (ざんぎょう) – Overtime work
出勤 (しゅっきん) – Going to work
休日 (きゅうじつ) – Holiday, day off
働き方改革 (はたらきかたかいかく) – Work style reform
チームワーク – Teamwork
協力 (きょうりょく) – Cooperation
目標 (もくひょう) – Goal, objective
飲み会 (のみかい) – Drinking party
結束 (けっそく) – Unity, cohesion
研修旅行 (けんしゅうりょこう) – Training trip
スポーツイベント – Sports event
連帯責任 (れんたいせきにん) – Collective responsibility
ミス – Mistake
信用 (しんよう) – Trust, credibility
助け合う (たすけあう) – To help each other
敬語 (けいご) – Honorific language
マナー – Manners
名刺 (めいし) – Business card
会議 (かいぎ) – Meeting, conference
研修 (けんしゅう) – Training
リモートワーク – Remote work
フレックス制度 – Flexible work system
バランス – Balance
有給休暇 (ゆうきゅうきゅうか) – Paid leave
外国人 (がいこくじん) – Foreigner
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