How to Say “I want to~, I want” in Japanese : ~たい, ~ほしい
Learning how to express your desires is an essential part of mastering any language, and Japanese is no exception. In Japanese, two commonly used expressions to talk about wanting something are 〜たい (tai) and 〜ほしい (hoshii). Each of these has a different nuance and application, so let’s dive into how they work and when to use them!
1. Expressing Wanting to Do Something: 〜たい (tai)
The suffix 〜たい (tai) is used when you want to express the desire to do something. Here’s how it works:
- Verb stem (ますform) +たい
To use 〜たい, you take the verb stem (the part of the verb before ます) and add 〜たい.
Let’s look at some examples:- 食べる (taberu) – to eat
- 食べます (tabemasu) – to eat (masu form)
- 食べたい (tabetai) – want to eat
- 行く (iku) – to go
- 行きます (ikimasu) – to go (masu form)
- 行きたい (ikitai) – want to go
- 見る (miru) – to see/watch
- 見ます (mimasu) – to see/watch (masu form)
- 見たい (mitai) – want to see/watch
- 食べる (taberu) – to eat
- Example sentences
- 今日パスタを食べたい。(kyoo pasuta o tabetai)
– I want to eat pasta today. - 水族館に行きたいです。(suizokukan ni ikitai desu)
– I want to go to the aquarium.
- 今日パスタを食べたい。(kyoo pasuta o tabetai)
Note: When using 〜たい, the sentence usually takes a slightly more casual tone, though it can still be polite when paired with です (desu).
2. Expressing Wanting Something: 〜ほしい (hoshii)
〜ほしい (hoshii) is used to express the desire to have/get something. It’s used with nouns, making it distinct from 〜たい, which is used with verbs. Remember, typically the particle が is used before ほしい.
- 〜がほしい
To use 〜がほしい, simply place the object you want before ~がほしい.
Let’s see some examples:- 新しい本がほしいです (atarashii hon ga hoshii desu)
– I want a new book - 車がほしいです (kuruma ga hoshii desu)
– I want a car - 新しいかばんがほしいです。(atarashii kaban ga hoshii desu)
– I want a new bag. - 可愛い猫がほしいです。(kawaii neko ga hoshii desu)
– I want a cute cat.
- 新しい本がほしいです (atarashii hon ga hoshii desu)
Note: The subject of the sentence is usually the speaker when using ほしい. If you want to talk about someone else’s desire, you typically need to adjust the phrasing, which we’ll touch on next.
3. Talking About Someone Else’s Desires
To state someone else’s desires, you use structures that indicate you are guessing or inferring their wants.
- For 〜たい, use the third-person form by using ~たがっている (tagatteiru) instead of ~たい.
- Example: たろうさんは水を飲みたがっている。(tarou-san wa mizu wo nomitagatteiru)
– Tarou seems to want to drink water.
- Example: たろうさんは水を飲みたがっている。(tarou-san wa mizu wo nomitagatteiru)
- For ほしい, you can use ほしがっている (hoshigatteiru) to indicate someone else’s desire.
Note that you use the particle を instead of が when it comes to third-person form.- Example: アリスさんは大きいアパートをほしがっている。(arisu-san wa ookii apaato o hoshigatteiru)
Alice seems to want a big apartment.
- Example: アリスさんは大きいアパートをほしがっている。(arisu-san wa ookii apaato o hoshigatteiru)
4. Common Pitfalls and Tips
- Grammatical Particles: For ほしい, the noun takes particle が (ga) for the speaker’s desire, while it takes particle を (o) for ほしがっている which describes someone else’s desire.
- Using in Questions: If you want to ask someone what they want, add question particle か at the end of the sentence like 何が欲しいですか?(nani ga hoshii desuka?) meaning “What do you want?”. However, this can sound a little bit too straightforward if you are talking to someone older than you. In that case, you can say 何がいいですか? (nani ga iidesuka?) which is directly translated as “What would it be good for you (What would you like)”.
5. Practice Exercises
- Translate the following sentences into Japanese using 〜たい:
- I want to watch a movie.
- I want to drink coffee.
- I want to visit Kyoto.
- Translate the following sentences into Japanese using 〜ほしい:
- I want a new phone.
- I want a cat.
- I want a bicycle.
- Change the following sentences to express someone else’s desire using ~たがっている or ほしがっている:
- 私はアイスクリームを食べたいです。I want to eat ice cream. (Change the subject to 私の娘は *My daughter)
- 私は新しい車がほしいです。I want a new car. (Change the subject to 私の父は *My father)
- Fill in the blanks with the correct particle (が or を):
- 彼は新しい靴___ほしがっている。He wants new shoes.
- 私は新しいモデルの車___ほしい。I want a new model car.
- Create your own sentences:
- Write two sentences using 〜たい to express your own desires.
- Write two sentences using 〜ほしい to express your desire for something.
By understanding and practicing these expressions, you can more effectively convey your feelings and desires in Japanese, helping you to connect better with the language and the people around you. So, next time you want something, don’t forget to use 〜たい or 〜ほしい!
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