How to Say “Let’s ~” in Japanese

When you want to invite someone to do something together in Japanese, you use “Let’s ~”. There are a few ways to say this, depending on the situation. Let’s jump in with simple explanations and examples!

1. Using ~ましょう for Polite Invitations

If you want to say “Let’s ~” in a polite way, use ~ましょう with a verb in the ます-form.

How to form it:

  1. Take the ます-form of the verb.
  2. Remove ます and add ましょう.


べます → べましょう (tabemasu → tabemashou)
(Let’s eat sushi!)

きます → きましょう (ikimasu → ikimashou)
(Let’s go to the park!)

勉強べんきょうします → 勉強べんきょうしましょう (benkyou shimasu → benkyou shimashou)
(Let’s study Japanese!)

This form is often used in formal or neutral situations.

2. Using ~よう / ~おう for Casual Invitations

In casual speech, you can use the volitional form of a verb to say “Let’s ~”.

How to form it:

  • For Group 1 (U-verbs): Change the う (u) sound to おう (ou).
  • For Group 2 (Ru-verbs): Replace る (ru) with よう (you).
  • For Irregular verbs:
    • する → しよう
    • くる → こよう


べる → べよう (taberu → tabeyou)
(Let’s eat pizza!)

あそぶ → あそぼう (asobu → asobou)
(Let’s play a game!)

く → こう (iku → ikou)
(Let’s go to a cafe!)

This form is used in casual conversations with friends or family.

3. Using ~ませんか? for Gentle Invitations

If you want to invite someone in a more polite and soft way, you can use ~ませんか?

How to form it:

  1. Take the ます-form of the verb.
  2. Replace ます with ませんか?


きます → きませんか?
(Would you like to go watch a movie together?)

みます → みませんか?
(Shall we drink coffee?)

This is often used in polite or formal situations, like inviting a colleague or someone you don’t know well.

Summary Table

ExpressionPoliteness LevelExample
~ましょうPolite公園こうえんきましょう! (Let’s go to the park!)
~よう / ~おうCasual映画えいがよう! (Let’s watch a movie!)
~ませんか?Polite & Gentleちゃみませんか? (Would you like to drink tea?)

Practice Time!

Try making sentences using ~ましょう or ~よう / ~おう.
What would you say in these situations?

  1. You want to say “Let’s study together!”
  2. You want to invite a friend to go shopping with “Let’s go shopping!”
  3. You want to politely suggest going for a walk “Shall we take a walk?”

Write your answers in the comments! 

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