How to Use 〜すぎる in Japanese

If you’ve ever wanted to say something is “too much” in Japanese, then 〜すぎる is the grammar point you need to know! This useful verb suffix allows you to express that something is excessive, whether it’s too hot, too difficult, or even too delicious. Let’s break down how to use 〜すぎる correctly and naturally in Japanese!

🔹 What is 〜すぎる?

The verb すぎる means “to exceed” or “to go beyond.” When attached to an adjective or verb, it conveys the idea of “too much” or “excessive.”

For example:

  • あつすぎる!(Atsusugiru!) → It’s too hot!
  • べすぎる!(Tabesugiru!) → I eat too much!

🔹 How to Use 〜すぎる

1️⃣ With い-Adjectives

Drop the final from the adjective and add すぎる.

Adjective (い)Meaning〜すぎる FormMeaning
高い (たかい)Expensive高(たか)すぎるToo expensive
早い (はやい)Fast / Early早(はや)すぎるToo fast / Too early
難しい (むずかしい)Difficult難(むずか)しすぎるToo difficult

🔹 Example: このほんむずかしすぎる! → This book is too difficult!

2️⃣ With な-Adjectives

Simply add すぎる after the adjective’s root (without な).

Adjective (な)Meaning〜すぎる FormMeaning
静か (しずか)Quiet静(しず)かすぎるToo quiet
便利 (べんり)Convenient便利(べんり)すぎるToo convenient
簡単 (かんたん)Easy簡単(かんたん)すぎるToo easy

🔹 Example: このまちしずかすぎる。 → This town is too quiet.

3️⃣ With Verbs

Attach すぎる to the ます-stem of the verb.

Verb (Dictionary Form)ます-Stem〜すぎる FormMeaning
食べる (たべる)食(た)べ食(た)べすぎるEat too much
飲む (のむ)飲(の)み飲(の)みすぎるDrink too much
遊ぶ (あそぶ)遊(あそ)び遊(あそ)びすぎるPlay too much

🔹 Example: 昨日きのうはおさけみすぎた。 → I drank too much alcohol yesterday.

🔹 Conjugation of 〜すぎる

Since すぎる is an Ichidan (る-verb), it follows regular conjugation rules.

Form食べすぎる (Eat too much)Meaning
Present食(た)べすぎるEat too much
Negative食(た)べすぎないDon’t eat too much
Past食(た)べすぎたAte too much
Te-form食(た)べすぎてEating too much (continuation)

🔹 Example: ケーキをべすぎないでね! → Don’t eat too much cake!

🔹 Common Mistakes with 〜すぎる

❌ おいしいすぎる → Incorrect
✅ おいしすぎる → Correct
Why? Because *い-adjectives drop the final い before adding すぎる!

❌ たかいすぎる → Incorrect
✅ たかすぎる → Correct

🔹 Summary

✅ Use すぎる to express “too much” or “excessive.”
✅ Remove from い-adjectives before adding すぎる.
✅ Add すぎる directly to な-adjectives.
✅ Use the ます-stem for verbs.
✅ すぎる is a る-verb, so conjugate accordingly.

🎯 Try It Yourself!

How would you say these in Japanese?

  1. This coffee is too sweet.
  2. I worked too much.
  3. That movie was too long.

Comment below with your answers!

Mastering 〜すぎる is a great way to sound more natural in Japanese. Keep practicing, and soon, you’ll be using it effortlessly in your conversations!

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