Japanese Phrases to Wish a Happy New Year

As the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to learn how to express New Year’s greetings in Japanese! The Japanese New Year, or 正月しょうがつ (oshoogatsu), is one of the most important holidays in Japan. It’s a time for family gatherings, reflection, and starting fresh. Here are some key phrases and expressions to wish your Japanese friends, family, or colleagues a Happy New Year.

Before the New Year: よいおとしを (yoi otoshi o)

If you’re parting ways with someone before the New Year, it’s customary to say: 「よいおとしを」(yoi otoshi o)
This phrase translates to “Have a good year!” or “I wish you a good end of the year!” It’s often used in December to bid farewell as everyone prepares for the New Year celebrations.

  • Example:
    A: じゃあ、また来年らいねん! (Jaa, mata rainen!) – See you next year!
    B: よいおとしを! (Yoi otoshi o!) – Have a good New Year!

On New Year’s Day: けましておめでとうございます (akemashite omedetoo gozaimasu)

Once the New Year begins, the most common greeting is: けましておめでとうございます」(akemashite omedetoo gozaimase)
This means “Happy New Year!” and is often followed by expressions of gratitude or wishes for good fortune.

For casual conversations with close friends or family, you can shorten it to: けましておめでとう!」 (akemashite omedetoo!) or even shorter 「あけおめ」(akeome) as a slang.

  • Example:
    A: けましておめでとうございます! (akemashite omedetoo gozaimasu!)
    B: けましておめでとう!今年ことしもよろしくね! (akemashite omedetoo! kotoshi mo yoroshiku ne!) – Happy New Year! Let’s continue to get along this year!

Wishing for a Great Year: 今年ことしもよろしくおねがいします (kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu)

This phrase is often paired with New Year’s greetings. It means “Please take care of me this year as well” or “Let’s continue our good relationship this year.”

  • Formal version:
    今年ことしもよろしくおねがいします (kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu)
  • Casual version:
    今年ことしもよろしく! (kotoshi mo yoroshiku!)

This expression reflects the Japanese cultural emphasis on relationships and cooperation.

Polite Greetings for Work and Business

If you’re exchanging greetings in a formal or business setting, it’s important to use polite language:

  1. 旧年中きゅうねんちゅう大変たいへん世話せわになりました (kyuunenchuu wa taihen osewa ni narimashita)
    • “Thank you for your support during the past year.”
    • This is a polite way to express gratitude for the past year’s relationship.
  2. 本年ほんねんもどうぞよろしくおねがもうげます (Honnen mo doozo yoroshiku onegai mooshiagemasu)
    • “I humbly ask for your continued support this year.”
    • Use this when addressing clients, colleagues, or superiors.

Other Common New Year Phrases

  • 謹賀新年きんがしんねん (kinga shinnen)
    • A formal way to say “Happy New Year,” often used in written greetings or 年賀状ねんがじょう (nengajoo) – Japanese New Year cards.
  • 新年明しんねんあけましておめでとうございます (shinnen akemashite omedetoo gozaimasu)
    • A slightly longer and more formal way to say “Happy New Year.”

Cultural Notes

  1. Timing Matters:
    • Use よいおとし before January 1.
    • From January 1 onward, switch to けましておめでとうございます.
  2. 年賀状ねんがじょう (nengajoo):
    • Exchanging New Year cards is a cherished tradition. These cards often feature phrases like 謹賀新年きんがしんねん or けましておめでとうございます along with personal messages.
  3. Formalities:
    • Pay attention to whether you’re speaking to a friend, family member, or someone in a business setting, and adjust your language accordingly.

Practice These Phrases!

The New Year is a wonderful opportunity to connect with others and embrace Japanese customs. Practice these phrases with your friends or colleagues and impress them with your knowledge of Japanese etiquette! Wishing you a wonderful start to the New Year! 😊

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