Mastering Japanese Conjunctions: それで、なぜなら、しかし

When learning Japanese, conjunctions (接続詞, setsuzokushi) are key to building coherent and natural sentences. They help you connect ideas, explain reasons, and add contrast. In this post, we’ll focus on three essential conjunctions: それで, なぜなら, and しかし. Let’s break down their meanings, uses, and some practical examples.

1. それで (sorede): “And so” or “Therefore”

それで is a conjunction used to indicate a result or conclusion. It’s often used to connect a cause to its natural effect.

  • Use それで to explain what happened as a result of something.
  • It’s similar to “and so” or “therefore” in English.
  1. 明日あしたテストがあります。それで、今日きょう勉強べんきょうしなければなりません。
    (Ashita tesuto ga arimasu. Sorede, kyoo wa benkyoo shinakereba narimasen.)
    → I have a test tomorrow. Therefore, I need to study today.
  2. 昨日きのうあめっていました。それで、試合しあい中止ちゅうしになりました。
    (Kinoo wa ame ga futte imashita. Sorede, shiai wa chuushi ni narimashita.)
    → It was raining yesterday. And so, the match was canceled.

2. なぜなら (nazenara): “Because”

なぜなら is a formal way to explain reasons or causes. It introduces a reason for the previous statement and is often followed by ~から (kara).

  • Use なぜなら to provide an explanation or justification for something.
  • Think of it as “the reason is…” or “that’s because” in English.
  1. かれつかれているようです。なぜなら、昨日全然寝きのうぜんぜんねていなかったからです。
    (Kare wa tsukarete iru yoo desu. Nazenara, kinō zenzen nete inakatta kara desu.)
    → He seems tired. That’s because he didn’t sleep at all yesterday.
  2. この商品しょうひん人気にんきがあります。なぜなら、やすくて便利べんりだからです。
    (Kono shōhin wa ninki ga arimasu. Nazenara, yasukute benri dakara desu.)
    → This product is popular. The reason is that it’s cheap and convenient.

3. しかし (shikashi): “However” or “But”

しかし is used to introduce a contrasting or opposing idea. It’s more formal than でも (demo) and is often used in written or polite contexts.

  • Use しかし to add contrast or disagreement to the previous statement.
  • It’s similar to “however” or “but” in English.
  1. このレストランは美味おいしいです。しかし、値段ねだんたかいです。
    (Kono resutoran wa oishii desu. Shikashi, nedan ga takai desu.)
    → This restaurant is delicious. However, the prices are high.
  2. 天気予報てんきよほうではれるとっていました。しかし、実際じっさいにはあめっています。
    (Tenki yohoo de wa hareru to itte imashita. Shikashi, jissai ni wa ame ga futteimasu.)
    → The weather forecast said it would be sunny. However, it’s actually raining.

Quick Summary Table

それでAnd so / ThereforeIndicates a result or conclusion明日あしたやすみです。それで、友達ともだちあそびにきます。(Ashita wa yasumi desu. Sorede, tomodachi to asobi ni ikimasu.)
なぜならBecauseExplains a reason or cause; often followed by ~から (~kara)かれませんでした。なぜなら、病気びょうきだったからです。(Kare wa kimasen deshita. Nazenara, byooki datta kara desu.)
しかしHowever / ButIntroduces a contrasting ideaそとさむいです。しかし、部屋へやなかあたたかいです。(Soto wa samui desu. Shikashi, heya no naka wa atatakai desu.)

How to Practice

  1. Create Your Own Sentences: Try using each conjunction in a sentence and share it to the comment section below. For example, describe your day using それで, explain your decisions with なぜなら, or express contrasting ideas with しかし.
  2. Listen and Observe: Pay attention to how native speakers use these conjunctions in shows, podcasts, or written content.
  3. Practice with a Partner: Role-play scenarios where you connect ideas, explain reasons, or contrast situations using these conjunctions. However, please note that なぜなら and しかし are used in a formal context, often times in a written language.

Mastering these conjunctions will make your Japanese more natural and coherent. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll find yourself using them effortlessly in conversations and writing. Let us know in the comments how you plan to practice these new conjunctions! 😊

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