


商品を見たり、さわったりできない オンラインで買うと、商品を見ることができません。服やくつなどは、サイズが合わないことがあります。
送料がかかる 商品の値段が安くても、送料が高いことがあります。お店で買えば、送料はかかりません。
すぐに使えない お店で買うと、すぐに使えます。でも、オンラインで買うと、届くまで時間がかかります。ときどき、商品が届くのが遅いこともあります。
返品がめんどう 商品が気に入らなかったとき、お店ならすぐに返品できます。でも、オンラインショッピングでは、返品の手続きが大変なことがあります。




商品しょうひんたり、さわったりできない・・・ オンラインでうと、商品しょうひんることができません。ふくやくつなどは、サイズがわないことがあります。
送料そうりょうがかかる ・・・商品しょうひん値段ねだんやすくても、送料そうりょうたかいことがあります。おみせえば、送料そうりょうはかかりません。
すぐに使つかえない・・・ おみせうと、すぐに使つかえます。でも、オンラインでうと、とどくまで時間じかんがかかります。ときどき、商品しょうひんとどくのがおそいこともあります。
返品へんぴんがめんどう 商品しょうひんらなかったとき、おみせならすぐに返品へんぴんできます。でも、オンラインショッピングでは、返品へんぴん手続てつづきが大変たいへんなことがあります。


【English Translation】

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

When you go shopping, do you use online shopping? Or do you go to a store to shop? Recently, online shopping has become very popular. However, shopping at a store also has its good points. Today, let’s think about the advantages (good points) and disadvantages (bad points) of online shopping.

Advantages of Online Shopping

  1. Convenience
    Online shopping is very convenient. You can shop from home using your smartphone or computer, which is very helpful for people who don’t have time to go to a store.
  2. A Wide Variety of Products
    Sometimes, physical stores have a limited selection of products. However, with online shopping, you can browse many different items. You can also buy products from overseas that are not available in Japan.
  3. Often Cheaper
    Online shopping is sometimes cheaper than buying at a store. You can also use sales and coupons to get even lower prices.
  4. Available 24 Hours a Day
    Physical stores close at night. However, with online shopping, you can shop anytime.

Disadvantages of Online Shopping

  1. Cannot See or Touch the Product
    When shopping online, you cannot see or touch the product before purchasing. For clothes and shoes, the size may not fit.
  2. Shipping Fees
    Even if the product itself is cheap, the shipping cost can be high. If you buy at a store, there is no shipping fee.
  3. Cannot Use Immediately
    When you buy something at a store, you can use it right away. However, with online shopping, you have to wait for the item to arrive. Sometimes, delivery can be delayed.
  4. Returns Are a Hassle
    If you don’t like a product, you can return it easily at a store. However, with online shopping, the return process can be complicated.

Which is Better?

Both online shopping and shopping at a store have their advantages and disadvantages. Buying food and daily necessities may be faster at a store. However, buying heavy items or special products can be more convenient online.

Personally, I prefer online shopping because I can search for anything I need! Shopping at a store can be tiring because I have to walk a lot…

What about you? Which do you prefer? When do you use online shopping? Please share your thoughts in the comments! 😊

【Vocabulary List】

買い物(かいもの) – Shopping
オンラインショッピング – Online shopping
お店(おみせ) – Store, shop
人気(にんき) – Popularity
メリット – Advantage, benefit
デメリット – Disadvantage, drawback
便利(べんり) – Convenient
助かる(たすかる) – To be helpful, to be saved
商品(しょうひん) – Product, goods
海外(かいがい) – Overseas, foreign countries
安い(やすい) – Cheap, inexpensive
セール – Sale (discount event)
クーポン – Coupon
値段(ねだん) – Price
利用(りよう)する – To use, to make use of
送料(そうりょう) – Shipping fee
届く(とどく) – To be delivered, to arrive
返品(へんぴん) – Return (of a product)
手続き(てつづき) – Procedure, process
特別(とくべつ) – Special
日用品(にちようひん) – Daily necessities
探す(さがす) – To search, to look for
疲れる(つかれる) – To get tired
食べ物(たべもの) – Food
買う(かう) – To buy, to purchase
時間(じかん) – Time
サイズ – Size
閉まる(しまる) – To close (store, facility)
比較(ひかく) – Comparison
選ぶ(えらぶ) – To choose, to select
種類(しゅるい) – Type, kind
支払い(しはらい) – Payment
クレジットカード – Credit card
代引き(だいびき) – Cash on delivery
レビュー – Review
在庫(ざいこ) – Stock, inventory
注文(ちゅうもん) – Order (placing an order)
発送(はっそう) – Shipping, dispatch

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