好きな映画 – My Favorite Movies in Japanese







【English Translation】

I love movies and make sure to watch one every weekend. I particularly enjoy action and horror movies, as I love the thrill and excitement they bring. Usually, I watch them alone, but one day, I had an interesting conversation about movies with a colleague at work. My coworker, Sato-san, said they like romantic and fantasy movies, and are drawn to touching stories.

It’s quite different from my preferences, but since they recommended it, I decided to watch a romance movie that weekend. Surprisingly, I found it more enjoyable than I expected, and I experienced a kind of emotion that I don’t usually feel. The next day, I told Sato-san about it at work. It turned out that Sato-san had also watched a horror movie on my recommendation, and said that even though it was scary, they gave it a try. It made me realize that I should also try new things beyond my usual comfort zone.

Since then, we have started recommending movies to each other and enjoying genres that we wouldn’t normally watch. We’ve grown closer because of it. Next month, I am planning to go to Sato-san’s house, and we will watch a new movie together. My love for movies has grown even more.

【Vocabulary List】

映画 (えいが) – movie
大好き (だいすき) – love, very fond of
週末 (しゅうまつ) – weekend
必ず (かならず) – definitely, without fail
特に (とくに) – especially
アクション映画 (アクションえいが) – action movie
ホラー映画 (ホラーえいが) – horror movie
好み (このみ) – preference
スリル – thrill
興奮 (こうふん) – excitement
普段 (ふだん) – usually, ordinarily
一人 (ひとり) – alone
職場 (しょくば) – workplace
同僚 (どうりょう) – colleague
話題 (わだい) – topic of conversation
盛り上がる (もりあがる) – to get excited, to be lively
佐藤さん (さとうさん) – Sato-san (name)
ロマンチック – romantic
ファンタジー – fantasy
感動的 (かんどうてき) – moving, touching
物語 (ものがたり) – story
魅力 (みりょく) – charm, appeal
全然 (ぜんぜん) – completely, totally
勧める (すすめる) – to recommend
ロマンス映画 (ロマンスえいが) – romance movie
思う (おもう) – to think
面白い (おもしろい) – interesting, fun
感動 (かんどう) – deep emotion, impression
味わう (あじわう) – to taste, to experience
次の日 (つぎのひ) – the next day
伝える (つたえる) – to convey, to tell
挑戦 (ちょうせん) – to challenge, to try
怖い (こわい) – scary
知らない (しらない) – unknown, unfamiliar
自分 (じぶん) – oneself
お互い (おたがい) – each other
紹介 (しょうかい) – introduction
新しい (あたらしい) – new
楽しむ (たのしむ) – to enjoy
仲良くなる (なかよくなる) – to become friends
来月 (らいげつ) – next month
家 (いえ) – house
一緒に (いっしょに) – together
予定 (よてい) – plan
さらに – further, additionally

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