「大阪旅行/Osaka trip」





【English Translation】

I went to Osaka with my family over the weekend. I live in Aichi Prefecture, and my family lives in Shizuoka Prefecture, so it had been a while since I saw them. On Saturday morning, we met up at Shin-Osaka and first went to the hotel. I was surprised to see so many tourists. There were especially many people from Korea. I was very happy because until recently, there were few tourists due to the coronavirus. That day, we went to Kyocera Dome to see Ed Sheeran’s concert. Usually, this place is a baseball stadium, but there are often concerts as well. Our seats were far away, so Ed Sheeran looked very small and we couldn’t see him well. I wish I had brought my glasses. But the singing was very beautiful and enjoyable. After the concert, we went to an izakaya and ate yakitori. It was a really nice day. I’ll go to bed early today for tomorrow.


【Vocabulary List】

週末(しゅうまつ)- weekend
家族(かぞく)- family
大阪(おおさか)- Osaka
行きました(いきました)- went
愛知県(あいちけん)- Aichi Prefecture
住んでいて(すんでいて)- live
静岡県(しずおかけん)- Shizuoka Prefecture
会う(あう)- meet
久しぶり(ひさしぶり)- after a long time
土曜日(どようび)- Saturday
朝(あさ)- morning
新大阪(しんおおさか)- Shin-Osaka
待ち合わせ(まちあわせ)- meeting
ホテル – hotel
観光客(かんこうきゃく)- tourists
本当に(ほんとうに)- really
たくさん – many
韓国(かんこく)- Korea
最近(さいきん)- recently
コロナ – coronavirus
せいで – due to
嬉しかった(うれしかった)- was happy
その日(そのひ)- that day
エドシーラン – Ed Sheeran
コンサート – concert
京セラドーム – Kyocera Dome
普段(ふだん)- usually
野球場(やきゅうじょう)- baseball stadium
席(せき)- seat
眼鏡(めがね)- glasses
持っていけば(もっていけば)- had brought
歌(うた)- singing
きれい – beautiful
楽しかった(たのしかった)- was enjoyable
後で(あとで)- after
居酒屋(いざかや)- izakaya
焼き鳥(やきとり)- Yakitori (Japanese food, chicked with skewers)
食べました(たべました)- ate
一日(いちにち)- a day, all day
明日(あした)- tomorrow
ために – for the sake of, for~
今日(きょう)- today
早く(はやく)- early
寝ます(ねます)- sleep

Comments (4)

  • マハミード March 5, 2024


    • nihongonana March 6, 2024


  • Clint March 14, 2024

    Wow this blog is amazing! I’ve been following you on insta for a while but I’ve never seen this blog before. Thank you so much for your work! 🤗I am learning Japanese as I will be in Tokyo for 6 months

    • nihongonana March 16, 2024

      Hi Clint-san! Thank you so much for reading my blog and also following my ig! Yes, I recently started writing blog for your to learn more Japanese😊 Reading with real context helps your study so much! Now I have Japanese passage with furigana, one without furigana (good for kanji study), English translation and vocab list✨ I will add more blog posts and also the audio so you know the pronunciation and the rhythm near future!


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