季節の変わり目 – The Change of Seasons in Japan













【English Translation】

In Japan, the change of seasons holds special meaning. It’s not just about the weather, daily life, food, and fashion also change. This time, let’s take a look at the customs related to seasonal transitions in Japan.

Koromogae: Changing Clothes for the Season
In Japan, there is a custom called “koromogae,” which involves switching clothes to match the season. Generally, this is done twice a year, around June and October. In schools and workplaces, “koromogae” is done on specific days. For example, school uniforms change from summer to winter uniforms in October. At home, people also switch the clothes in their closets to stay comfortable according to the season.

Shokuyoku no Aki: The Season of Appetite
Autumn is often called “shokuyoku no aki” because there are many delicious seasonal foods. As the weather cools down, people’s appetites increase, and they enjoy various autumn foods. Popular autumn foods include chestnuts, sweet potatoes, persimmons, and pacific saury (sanma). These foods are not only tasty but also nutritious, making them perfect for autumn. Special dishes using these ingredients can be enjoyed at festivals, markets, and restaurants across Japan.

Momijigari: Beautiful Nature
In addition to clothing and food, nature is also enjoyed. In particular, the autumn leaves are beautiful, and many people go out to enjoy the fall foliage, an activity called “momijigari.” “Momijigari” involves walking while admiring the beautiful autumn leaves, making it an important tradition for feeling the season.

Autumn in Japan is a time to enjoy fashion, delicious food, and beautiful autumn leaves. These customs provide a great opportunity to enjoy the change of seasons with family and friends. It shows how much the Japanese value nature and feel connected to the rhythm of the seasons.

How do you experience the change of seasons in your country? Are there similar customs?

【Vocabulary List】

季節の変わり目(きせつのかわりめ) – The Change of Seasons
日本(にほん) – Japan
特別な(とくべつな) – special
意味(いみ) – meaning
あります – hold
天気(てんき) – weather
生活(せいかつ) – daily life
食べ物(たべもの) – food
ファッション – fashion
変わります(かわります) – change
今回(こんかい) – this time
まつわる – related to
習慣(しゅうかん) – customs
見ていきましょう(みていきましょう) – let’s take a look
衣替え(ころもがえ) – changing clothes for the season
合わせた(あわせた) – match, adjust
服(ふく) – clothes
入れ替える(いれかえる) – switching
一般的に(いっぱんてきに) – generally
年に二回(ねんににかい) – twice a year
6月(ろくがつ) – June
10月(じゅうがつ) – October
ごろ – around
行います(おこないます) – be done
学校(がっこう) – schools
職場(しょくば) – workplaces
決まった日(きまったひ) – specific days
例えば(たとえば) – for example
制服(せいふく) – uniforms
夏服(なつふく) – summer uniforms 冬服(ふゆふく) – winter uniforms
家庭(かてい) – at home
クローゼット – closets
快適に(かいてきに) – comfortable
過ごせるようにします(すごせるようにします) – to stay
食欲の秋(しょくよくのあき) – fall appetite
と呼ばれ(とよばれ) – be called
おいしい – delicious, tasty
たくさん – many
涼しい(すずしい) – cool
増し(まし) – increase
さまざまな – various
楽しみます(たのしみます) – enjoy
特に(とくに) – especially
人気のある(にんきのある) – popular
栗(くり) – chestnuts
さつまいも – sweet potatoes
柿(かき) – persimmons
さんま – pacific saury
栄養が豊富(えいようがほうふ) – nutritious
ぴったり – perfect
日本各地(にほんかくち) – across Japan
祭り(まつり) – festivals
市場(いちば) – markets
レストラン – restaurants
食材(しょくざい) – ingredients
使った(つかった) – using
メニュー – dishes
紅葉(こうよう) – autumn leaves
美しい(うつくしい) – beautiful
自然(しぜん) – nature
紅葉狩り(もみじがり) – fall foliage
出かける(でかける) – go out
人(ひと) – people
多い(おおい) – many
散歩する(さんぽする) – walk
感じる(かんじる) – feel
大切な(たいせつな) – important
時期(じき) – season
家族(かぞく) – family
友人(ゆうじん) – friends
一緒に(いっしょに) – together
良い(よい) – good
機会(きかい) – opportunity
日本人(にほんじん) – Japanese people
大切(たいせつ) – value
リズム – rhythm
よくわかります – it shows how much~
皆さん(みなさん) – you all
国(くに) – country
どのように – how
過ごしますか(すごしますか) – do you experience, do you spend
似たような(にたような) – similar

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