夜空の魔法 – The Magic of the Night Sky













【English Translation】

Stargazing has always fascinated me. Looking up at the night sky brings a sense of calm and wonder. There’s something magical about the vastness of space and the countless stars above. Every time I look up, I feel like I’m discovering the secrets of the universe.

The other day, I was fortunate enough to see the comet called 紫金山・アトラス彗星 (Tsuchinshan・Atlas Suisei). This comet was discovered by the Purple Mountain Observatory in China. What makes this comet unique is its bright and long-lasting visibility, which makes it easier to spot even without advanced equipment. The comet was bright and stunning, moving slowly across the sky. It felt like time itself had slowed down, and I was caught in that moment. Comets are rare, so I felt incredibly lucky. 

Another time, I spotted Starlink satellites. Starlink is a project by SpaceX designed to provide internet from space. At night, the satellites look like a line of bright dots moving steadily across the sky, almost like a “train of stars.” The first time I saw them, I was so amazed that I immediately wanted to know more, and later found out they were satellites. Now I know they are satellites, and I find it fascinating to see something so different from ordinary stars.

One of the most thrilling moments for me was seeing a fireball. A fireball is like an extremely bright shooting star, a meteor that burns brightly as it enters Earth’s atmosphere. I was watching the night sky, and suddenly, I saw a bright light moving rapidly across the sky. It was spectacular—much brighter than a normal shooting star. Seeing it filled me with excitement, and I couldn’t help but make a wish, even if it was just for fun.

Stargazing is a wonderful hobby that makes me feel connected to nature and the universe. I don’t need any special equipment—just my eyes, a clear sky, and a dark area away from city lights to see the stars more clearly. I always feel so lucky to see these amazing sights, especially when I’m not expecting them. The suddenness of these moments makes them feel even more special. Every time, it’s a relaxing and beautiful experience.

Have you ever felt amazed by something in the night sky that made you feel connected to the universe, like a shooting star, a comet, or something you couldn’t quite explain? It’s a fun way to combine your love of stargazing with language learning, as it brings the joy of observing something beautiful while expanding your knowledge. For example, you could learn the Japanese word for ‘star’ (星 – hoshi) while looking up at the stars. You could also learn ‘moon’ (月 – tsuki) while admiring the moon. Another idea is to try naming different celestial objects in Japanese, such as ‘planet’ (惑星 – wakusei). It makes both learning and stargazing more exciting and memorable.

【Vocabulary List】

夜空(よぞら) – night sky
魔法(まほう) – magic
星空(ほしぞら) – starry sky
見る(みる) – gaze, look, see, watch
好き(すき) – fascinate, like
落ち着き(おちつき) – calm
不思議さ(ふしぎさ) – wonder
感じます(かんじます) – bring, feel
広い(ひろい) – vastness
宇宙(うちゅう) – space, universe
たくさん – countless
星(ほし) – stars
何か(なにか) – something
特別な(とくべつな) – magical, special
たびに – every time
秘密(ひみつ) – secrets
少し(すこし) – a little
発見(はっけん) – discover
気がします(きがします) -feel like
この前(このまえ) – the other day
紫金山・アトラス彗星(しきんざん・あとらすすいせい) – Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
中国(ちゅうごく) – China
紫金山天文台(しきんざんてんもんだい) – the Purple Mountain Observatory
発見された(はっけんされた) – was discovered
とても – very, so
明るくて(あかるくて) – bright
長く(ながく) – long-lasting
特長(とくちょう) – unique
なので – so
道具(どうぐ) – equipment
見つけやすい(みつけやすい) – easy to spot
美しく(うつくしく) – stunning, beautiful
ゆっくり- slowly
空(そら) – sky
動いていました(うごいていました) – was moving
まるで – feel like, as if
時(とき) – time
止まった(とまった) – slowed down, stood
瞬間(しゅんかん) – moment
引き込まれました(ひきこまれました) – was caught in
珍しい(めずらしい) – rare
ラッキー – lucky
別の日(べつのひ) – another time
スターリンク衛星(すたーりんくえいせい) – Starlink satellites
インターネット – internet
提供する(ていきょうする) – provide
プロジェクト – project
夜(よる) – night
点(てん) – dots
列(れつ) – line
星の列車(ほしのれっしゃ) – train of stars
みたい – like
初めて(はじめて) – first time
驚いて(おどろいて) – be amazed
すぐに – immediately
もっと – more
知りたくなりました(しりたくなりました) – wanted to know
後も(あとも) – later
普通の(ふつうの) – ordinary
違う(ちがう) – different
面白い(おもしろい) – fascinating, interesting
一番(いちばん) – the most
興奮した(こうふんした) – thrilling, exciting
火球(かきゅう) – fireball
流れ星(ながれぼし) – shooting star
地球(ちきゅう) – earth
大気(たいき) – atmosphere
入る(はいる) – enter
燃える(もえる) – burn
隕石(いんせき) – meteor
急に(きゅうに) – suddenly
光(ひかり) – light
速く(はやく) – rapidly
横切る(よこぎる) – across
ずっと – much
感動しました(かんどうしました) – spectacular, be moved, be touched
願い事(ねがいごと) – wish
せずにはいられませんでした – couldn’t help
星空観察(ほしぞらかんさつ) – stargazing
自然(しぜん) – nature
つながり – connected to
素晴らしい(すばらしい) – wonderful
趣味(しゅみ) – hobby
必要なのは(ひつようなのは) – all you need is
目(め) – eyes
きれいな – clear
街(まち) – city
離れた(はなれた) – away
暗い(くらい) – dark
場所(ばしょ) – area
だけ – just, only
光景(こうけい) – sights
特に(とくに) – especially
期待して(きたいして) – expect
くつろげる – relaxing
美しい(うつくしい) – beautiful
体験(たいけん) – experience
みなさん – you all
驚く(おどろく) – amazing
語学学習(ごがくがくしゅう) – language learning
一緒にする(いっしょにする) – combine
楽しい(たのしい) – fun
新しい(あたらしい) – new
学べる(まなべる) – can learn
たとえば – for example
日本語(にほんご) – Japanese
言葉(ことば) – word
月(つき) – moon
覚える(おぼえる) – learn, remember
惑星(わくせい) – planet
のように – such as
いろいろな – different
天体(てんたい) – celestial objects
言ってみる(いってみる) – try naming
勉強(べんきょう) – learning, study

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