家族旅行の思い出 – Memories of a Family Trip
【English Translation】
Hello everyone! Today, I would like to talk about “memories of a family trip.” I want to share the fun times I spent with my family.
The most enjoyable family trip for me was the trip to Okinawa we took together last summer. Okinawa had crystal-clear blue seas and bright blue skies that stretched endlessly, making it a truly beautiful place. What especially stood out was the emerald-green color of the sea, and the contrast between the white sandy beach and the blue sky was stunning. We all went to the beach together as a family. At the beach, we went snorkeling and built sandcastles. The moment we found a large blue fish while snorkeling was really exciting for all of us. The fish swam so close, it felt like we were playing together. There were many colorful fish swimming around, and they were so cute.
We also got to eat traditional Okinawan cuisine. We tried goya champuru and soki soba for the first time, and both were very delicious. In particular, the soki soba, with its tender meat, became a favorite for everyone in the family.
In the evening, we spent time at the hotel playing games and chatting together. Since everyone is usually busy, we rarely get the chance to gather as a whole family and talk at leisure, so this time was a very precious memory. We laughed a lot, and it was truly fun.
This family trip is an unforgettable memory for me. Spending time with family is very important and special. I hope you all take a trip with your family and create wonderful memories as well.
What are your memories of a family trip? Please share your favorite activities or places you visited in the comments!
【Vocabulary List】
家族 (かぞく) – family
旅行 (りょこう) – trip, travel
思い出 (おもいで) – memory
一緒に (いっしょに) – together
楽しい (たのしい) – fun, enjoyable
時間 (じかん) – time
去年 (きょねん) – last year
夏 (なつ) – summer
沖縄 (おきなわ) – Okinawa
海 (うみ) – sea, ocean
空 (そら) – sky
美しい (うつくしい) – beautiful
場所 (ばしょ) – place
特に (とくに) – especially
色 (いろ) – color
白い (しろい) – white
砂浜 (すなはま) – sandy beach
青い (あおい) – blue
素敵 (すてき) – lovely, wonderful
ビーチ – beach
楽しむ (たのしむ) – to enjoy
魚 (さかな) – fish
大きい (おおきい) – big
可愛い (かわいい) – cute
料理 (りょうり) – cuisine, cooking
食べる (たべる) – to eat
初めて (はじめて) – for the first time
おいしい – delicious
柔らかい (やわらかい) – soft, tender
全員 (ぜんいん) – everyone, all members
気に入る (きにいる) – to like, to be pleased with
夜 (よる) – night
ホテル – hotel
ゲーム – game
おしゃべり – chatting, talk
忙しい (いそがしい) – busy
集まる (あつまる) – to gather
笑う (わらう) – to laugh
忘れられない (わすれられない) – unforgettable
特別 (とくべつ) – special
作る (つくる) – to make, to create
場所 (ばしょ) – place
教える (おしえる) – to tell, to teach
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