私の得意料理 – My Favorite Dish to Cook
【English Translation】
Hello, everyone! Today, I’d like to talk about my favorite dish to cook. Cooking is a relaxing time for me. Trying new ingredients or spices lets me reflect my own ideas in my cooking, which is really enjoyable. The dish I’m introducing today is “curry rice.”
Curry rice is one of the most popular home-cooked dishes in Japan. The reasons for its popularity include its adaptability and comforting, gentle taste. It’s easy to make, and you can freely change up the ingredients and spices, which makes it fun to experiment with different variations. I especially love curry with plenty of fresh, seasonal vegetables, as it allows me to enjoy the unique flavors of vegetables that are only available at certain times of the year. For example, in summer, I use eggplant, bell peppers, and tomatoes, while in winter, I make curry with daikon radish, pumpkin, and spinach.
The key to my curry is to sauté the onions until they become caramelized (this takes about 20 to 30 minutes). Doing this adds depth to the flavor, enhancing the natural sweetness and richness of the dish. Additionally, I like to add grated apple or a bit of chocolate as a secret ingredient, which balances the sweetness and bitterness to create a perfect flavor.
Curry is perfect for enjoying with family and friends. Making a big pot and sharing it with everyone creates a warm, cozy atmosphere. Plus, curry tastes even better the next day after the flavors have had time to meld, which makes it a helpful dish to have during busy weekdays. To store it properly, let it cool before placing it in an airtight container and keeping it in the fridge to preserve its flavor.
What’s your favorite dish to cook? Let me know in the comments! I believe cooking is a wonderful way to bring people together. I hope to keep challenging myself with different dishes and expand my repertoire of favorite recipes.
【Vocabulary List】
得意(とくい)- one’s specialty, good at
料理(りょうり)- cooking, cuisine
リラックス – relax
食材(しょくざい)- ingredients
反映(はんえい)- reflection, influence
紹介(しょうかい)- introduction
家庭料理(かていりょうり)- home-cooked dish
人気(にんき)- popularity
理由(りゆう)- reason
アレンジ – arrangement, adaptation
優しい(やさしい)- gentle, kind
具材(ぐざい)- ingredients
季節(きせつ)- season
新鮮(しんせん)- fresh
味わう(あじわう)- to taste, enjoy
夏(なつ)- summer
冬(ふゆ)- winter
ナス – eggplant
パプリカ – bell pepper
トマト – tomato
大根(だいこん)- Japanese radish
かぼちゃ – pumpkin
ほうれん草(ほうれんそう)- spinach
玉ねぎ(たまねぎ)- onion
飴色(あめいろ)- caramel color
炒める(いためる)- to stir-fry
隠し味(かくしあじ)- secret ingredient
すりおろす – to grate
チョコレート – chocolate
絶妙(ぜつみょう)- exquisite, perfect
家族(かぞく)- family
友達(ともだち)- friends
分け合う(わけあう)- to share
翌日(よくじつ)- the next day
馴染む(なじむ)- to become familiar, blend well
保存(ほぞん)- storage, preservation
粗熱(あらねつ)- residual heat
密閉容器(みっぺいようき)- airtight container
冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)- refrigerator
風味(ふうみ)- flavor
素敵(すてき)- wonderful, lovely
挑戦(ちょうせん)- challenge
レパートリー – repertoire
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