How to Say “I Think” in Japanese: 〜と思う

When expressing your thoughts or opinions in Japanese, one of the most useful phrases you need to know is 〜とおも (〜とおもう). This phrase translates to “I think” in English and is commonly used in everyday conversations. Let’s break it down and explore different ways to use it naturally!

Basic Structure of 〜とおも

The phrase 〜とおも consists of:

  • 〜と → A quotation particle that marks what is being thought. (equivalent to “that”)
  • おも → The verb “to think.”


これは美味おいしいとおもう。(Kore wa oishii to omou.) → “I think this is delicious.”

Using 〜とおもう with Different Word Types

You can use 〜とおも with different types of words, but the way you attach it varies slightly.

1. With Plain Form Verbs

When using 〜とおもう with verbs, use their plain form (dictionary form or past tense).


  • 日本にほんくとおもう。 (Nihon ni iku to omou.) → “I think I will go to Japan.”
  • かれないとおもう。 (Kare wa konai to omou.) → “I think he won’t come.”

2. With Adjectives

Both い-adjectives and な-adjectives follow the plain form rule:


  • この映画えいが面白おもしろいとおもう。 (Kono eega wa omoshiroi to omou.) → “I think this movie is interesting.”


  • かれ親切しんせつだとおもう。 (Kare wa shinsetsu da to omou.) → “I think he is kind.”

💡 For な-adjectives and nouns, you need to include before おも in casual speech.

3. With Nouns

  • これはいいアイデアだとおもう。 (Kore wa ii aidea da to omou.) → “I think this is a good idea.”
  • かれ先生せんせいだとおもう。 (Kare wa sensee da to omou.) → “I think he is a teacher.”

Polite and Casual Forms

  • おもいます (omoimasu) → Polite form (used in formal speech).
  • おもう (omou) → Casual form (used with friends and in informal settings).


  • これは大切たいせつだとおもいます。 (Kore wa taisetsu da to omoimasu.) → “I think this is important.” (Polite)
  • これは大切たいせつだとおもう。 (Kore wa taisetsu da to omou.) → “I think this is important.” (Casual)

Negative Form: 〜ないとおも

To say “I don’t think…”, use the negative short form (~ない) おもう.

We express more like “I think it’s not …” in Japanese.


  • それは本当ほんとうじゃないとおもう。 (Sore wa hontoo janai to omou.) → “I don’t think that’s true.”
  • かれないとおもう。 (Kare wa konai to omou.) → “I don’t think he will come.”

Asking for Opinions with 〜とおもいますか?

To ask “What do you think?”, simply use おもいますか? (to omoimasu ka?)


  • この映画えいがについてどうおもいますか? (Kono eega nitsuite doo omoimasu ka?) → “What do you think about this movie?”

More Variations of “I Think”

  • 〜とおもっています → Used when talking about ongoing thoughts or plans.
    • Ex: 日本にほんもうとおもっています。 (Nihon ni sumoo to omotteimasu.) → “I’m thinking of living in Japan.”
  • 〜かな (casual) → Used when you are unsure.
    • Ex: 明日雨あしたあめるかな? (Ashita ame ga furu kana?) → “I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.”

Practice Using 〜とおも🔥

Try making your own sentences using 〜とおも! Here are some prompts to help you:

  1. 日本語にほんごまなぶのはたのしいとおもいますか? (Do you think learning Japanese is fun?)
  2. 寿司すし美味おいしいとおもいますか? (Do you think sushi is delicious?)
  3. 日本にほんみたいとおもいますか? (Do you think you want to live in Japan?)
  4. 今年ことしあつくなるとおもいますか? (Do you think it will be hot this year?)
  5. あの映画えいが面白おもしろいとおもいますか? (Do you think that movie is interesting?)
  6. 未来みらいにAIはもっと発展はってんするとおもいますか? (Do you think AI will develop more in the future?)
  7. 友達ともだち約束やくそくまもるとおもいますか? (Do you think your friend will keep their promise?)
  8. 日本にほん文化ぶんか面白おもしろいとおもいますか? (Do you think Japanese culture is interesting?)
  9. スポーツをするのは健康けんこうにいいとおもいますか? (Do you think playing sports is good for health?)
  10. 旅行りょこうするのはたのしいとおもいますか? (Do you think traveling is fun?)

Let’s practice together in the comments! 😊

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