冬の旅行 – Winter Travel in Japan
【English Translation】
Winter in Japan is very cold, but that’s exactly why there are so many fun things to enjoy. When you travel to Japan in the winter, you can enjoy things that are unique to the season, such as snow, hot springs, and illuminations.
First, I recommend hot springs for a winter trip. In places like Hokkaido, a lot of snow falls. When you soak in an onsen (hot spring), your body warms up from the cold air outside. Soaking in the hot water while watching the snow is very relaxing, and it warms both your body and mind. Many hot spring areas also offer beautiful natural scenery to enjoy.
Also, winter illuminations are very beautiful. In big cities, illuminations are displayed, and the streets look stunning at night. Even in the cold wind, walking while looking at the sparkling lights is a very enjoyable experience. In Japanese cities, winter illuminations are especially popular, and many people visit to see them.
Finally, winter sports are also a lot of fun. In places like Nagano and Niigata, you can enjoy skiing and snowboarding. Playing in the snow is a lot of fun. Skiing in the snow-covered mountains gives you a refreshing feeling, and it’s a great way to enjoy the winter season. Additionally, snow play and making snowmen are fun activities that can only be enjoyed in winter.
Winter in Japan offers many fun experiences unique to the season, such as hot springs, illuminations, and sports. Even in the cold season, special pleasures await you.
【Vocabulary List】
冬 (ふゆ) – Winter
寒い (さむい) – Cold
楽しい (たのしい) – Fun
旅行 (りょこう) – Travel
雪 (ゆき) – Snow
温泉 (おんせん) – Hot spring
イルミネーション – Illumination
外 (そと) – Outside
湯 (ゆ) – Hot water (from onsen)
ぽかぽか – Warm, cozy (feeling)
リラックス – Relax
心 (こころ) – Heart, mind
体 (からだ) – Body
美しい (うつくしい) – Beautiful
景色 (けしき) – Scenery
大きな町 (おおきなまち) – Big city
輝く (かがやく) – To shine, sparkle
楽しい気分 (たのしいきぶん) – Fun mood
スキー – Skiing
スノーボード – Snowboarding
雪山 (ゆきやま) – Snowy mountain
爽快 (そうかい) – Refreshing
雪遊び (ゆきあそび) – Playing in the snow
雪だるま (ゆきだるま) – Snowman
特別 (とくべつ) – Special
待っている (まっている) – Waiting (for something)
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