日本のアルバイト – Part time jobs in Japan
Working part-time is pretty common for high school or university students in Japan. Read and learn more about part-time working culture and useful vocabulary below.
【English Translation】
In Japan, high school and university students often work part-time. For example, convenience stores, restaurants, cafes, supermarket cashiers, and cram school tutors are very popular. Part-time jobs are not just for earning money. They are also important for gaining social experience and making friends. (Of course, money is also important… lol) Especially jobs at convenience stores and restaurants are easy for high school and university students to start with. They are good opportunities to learn customer service and teamwork, as well as manners and rules of society.
Additionally, part-time jobs in Japan are very strict about time. You must not be late. This is also an important skill when working in Japanese society. By doing part-time jobs, you can also learn about Japanese culture and work styles. The hourly wage for part-time jobs at convenience stores varies depending on the area, but it’s generally between 1,000 and 1,200 yen. Other part-time jobs are also around the same rate, and cram school tutors may earn a bit more.
These days, many foreigners work at convenience stores. Since they speak with many different customers every day, their Japanese is very good. Working part-time in Japan can be very challenging, but it may also be a great experience. In fact, I also worked at a convenience store. It was really busy, and I worked late into the night every day, but most of my coworkers were foreigners, so I was able to learn about different cultures, which was really enjoyable!
What kind of part-time jobs have you done? What kind of part-time job would you like to do in Japan? Please leave a comment!
【Vocabulary List】
アルバイト (あるばいと) – part-time job
高校生 (こうこうせい) – high school student
大学生 (だいがくせい) – university student
コンビニ – convenience store
レストラン – restaurant
カフェ – cafe
スーパー – supermarket
レジ – cash register, cashier
塾 (じゅく) – cram school
講師 (こうし) – tutor, instructor
人気 (にんき) – popular
お金 (おかね) – money
稼ぐ (かせぐ) – to earn
社会経験 (しゃかいけいけん) – social experience
友達 (ともだち) – friend
接客 (せっきゃく) – customer service
チームワーク – teamwork
学ぶ (まなぶ) – to learn
マナー – manners
ルール – rules
時間 (じかん) – time
厳しい (きびしい) – strict
遅刻 (ちこく) – being late
スキル – skill
文化 (ぶんか) – culture
時給 (じきゅう) – hourly wage
地域 (ちいき) – area, region
違う (ちがう) – to differ
大体 (だいたい) – generally, approximately
外国人 (がいこくじん) – foreigner
色々 (いろいろ) – various
忙しい (いそがしい) – busy
同僚 (どうりょう) – colleague, coworker
楽しい (たのしい) – enjoyable, fun
経験 (けいけん) – experience
コメント – comment
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