「花見(Hanami)」When is the best season to see cherry blossom in Japan?
1. 目黒川 (東京都)
2. 新宿御苑 (東京都)
3. 上野公園 (東京都)
4. 鶴舞公園 (愛知県)
5. 東山動植物園 (愛知県)
1. 目黒川 (東京都)
2. 新宿御苑 (東京都)
3. 上野公園 (東京都)
4. 鶴舞公園 (愛知県)
5. 東山動植物園 (愛知県)
【English translation】
From late March to early April is the season of cherry blossoms. During this season, we go to see the cherry blossoms, a practice called “hanami” in Japanese. Hanami is when we go to parks or streets with friends, family, or coworkers to see the cherry blossoms. Do you know what Japanese people do during hanami? Some simply take a stroll in the park, but many also eat meals or drink alcohol under the cherry blossom trees. Hanami happens during the day and at night. The lantern lights are very beautiful at night, and it’s almost like a festival, so many people drink and get drunk.
The timing of cherry blossom blooming varies by region. Cherry blossoms start blooming when winter ends and it gets warmer, so they bloom earlier in the south of Japan and later in the north. The best time for cherry blossoms to bloom depends on the climate, and every year the news announces when the cherry blossoms will bloom. In 2024, it seems that they will start blooming March 21st in Tokyo, March 22nd in Kyoto, and March 23rd in Osaka. They’re blooming earlier than usual this year because it’s warm.
But there’s one thing you need to be careful about. Many people come to see the cherry blossoms, so the places where cherry blossoms are beautiful are very crowded. To find a good spot, many people go to the park early in the morning and set out picnic sheets. If you really want to find a good spot, you have to prepare early in the morning. (I’ve never gone that far though… haha)
Here are some popular hanami spots that I know:
- Meguro River (Tokyo)
- Shinjuku Gyoen (Tokyo)
- Ueno Park (Tokyo)
- Tsuruma Park (Aichi Prefecture)
- Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens (Aichi Prefecture)
Please come to Japan during the cherry blossom season!
Reference: tenki.jp https://tenki.jp/forecaster/gureweather/2024/02/28/27683.html
【Vocabulary list】
- 3月下旬 (さんがつ げじゅん) – late March
- 4月上旬 (しがつ じょうじゅん) – early April
- 桜の季節 (さくらの きせつ) – cherry blossom season
- 花見 (はなみ) – cherry blossom viewing
- 花 (はな) – flower
- 友達 (ともだち) – friends
- 家族 (かぞく) – family
- 会社 (かいしゃ) – company, workplace
- 公園 (こうえん) – park
- 街 (まち) – town, city
- 散歩する (さんぽする) – to take a walk
- 桜の木 (さくらの き) – cherry blossom tree
- ご飯を食べる (ごはんを たべる) – to eat a meal
- お酒を飲む (おさけを のむ) – to drink alcohol
- 昼 (ひる) – daytime
- 夜 (よる) – night
- 提灯 (ちょうちん) – paper lantern
- 明かり (あかり) – light
- お祭り (おまつり) – festival
- 酔っ払う (よっぱらう) – to get drunk
- 地域 (ちいき) – region
- 咲く (さく) – to bloom
- 時期 (じき) – time, season
- 冬 (ふゆ) – winter
- 暖かくなる (あたたかくなる) – to become warm
- 南 (みなみ) – south
- 北 (きた) – north
- 綺麗に咲く (きれいに さく) – to bloom beautifully
- 毎年 (まいとし) – every year
- 発表する (はっぴょうする) – to announce
- 満開 (まんかい) – full bloom
- 気を付ける (きをつける) – to be careful
- 混む (こむ) – to be crowded
- 見つける (みつける) – to find
- 朝早く (あさはやく) – early in the morning
- レジャーシート (れじゃーしーと) – picnic sheet, mat
- 知っていますか (しっていますか) – Do you know?
- 人気 (にんき) – popular
- スポット (すぽっと) – spot
- 東京都 (とうきょうと) – Tokyo Metropolis
- 愛知県 (あいちけん) – Aichi Prefecture
- 日本 (にほん) – Japan
- 来る (くる) – to come
- ぜひ – definitely
The Japanese cherry blossoms are very interesting and I do like your blogs 日本語なな