


【English Translation】

Lately, it has been raining constantly, and it doesn’t clear up outside. On days like these, the laundry doesn’t dry. Many households in Japan don’t have dryers, so we always hang the laundry outside. Hanging laundry inside the house is called “room drying.” I dry laundry inside on rainy days, but since the room is very small, it’s tough. It takes a long time for towels and clothes to dry. Sometimes it takes about two days. Besides, the laundry tends to smell a little. I hope it clears up soon.

【Vocabulary List】

最近(さいきん)- lately
ずっと – constantly, all the time, for a long time
雨(あめ)- rain
外(そと)- outside
晴れません(はれません)- doesn’t clear up, it’s not sunny
そんな – such
日(ひ)- day
洗濯物(せんたくもの)- laundry
乾きません(かわきません)- doesn’t dry
日本(にほん)- Japan
多く(おおく)- many
家庭(かてい)- household
乾燥機(かんそうき)- dryer
干します(ほします)- hang (laundry)
部屋干し(へやぼし)- room drying
家(いえ)- house
中(なか)- inside
大変(たいへん)- tough, difficult
タオル – towel
服(ふく)- clothes
時間(じかん)- time
2日(ふつか)- two days
少し(すこし)- a little
臭くなります(くさいくなります)- becomes smelly
早く(はやく)- soon


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