私の好きな映画 – My Favorite Movie
【English Translation】
I love movies. I watch films from various genres, but my favorite movie is Your Name.
Your Name. is an animated film directed by Makoto Shinkai. It was released in 2016. This movie is famous for its beautiful visuals and emotional story.
The main characters of this movie are a boy named Taki, who lives in Tokyo, and a girl named Mitsuha, who lives in the countryside. One day, they suddenly switch bodies in their dreams. At first, they are surprised, but little by little, they get used to each other’s lives. However, one day, they are no longer able to switch bodies.
Taki decides to go see Mitsuha. But when he arrives in her town, he discovers something shocking. From this point on, the story becomes even more interesting.
What I love about this movie is its beautiful visuals and music. In particular, RADWIMPS’ music matches the atmosphere of the movie perfectly. I especially love the song Zen Zen Zense.
Your Name. is a movie that includes romance, fantasy, and drama all in one. No matter how many times I watch it, I always feel moved. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it!
What is your favorite movie?
【Vocabulary List】
映画(えいが) – movie, film
大好き(だいすき) – love, like very much
ジャンル – genre
一番(いちばん) – number one, the best
作る(つくる) – to make, to create
公開(こうかい) – release, opening to the public
映像(えいぞう) – visuals, images
感動的(かんどうてき) – moving, touching
有名(ゆうめい) – famous, well-known
主人公(しゅじんこう) – main character, protagonist
住む(すむ) – to live, to reside
田舎(いなか) – countryside, rural area
夢(ゆめ) – dream
体(からだ) – body
入れかわる(いれかわる) – to switch places, to change bodies
最初(さいしょ) – at first, the beginning
お互い(おたがい) – each other, mutual
生活(せいかつ) – life, daily life
慣れる(なれる) – to get used to, to become familiar with
突然(とつぜん) – suddenly, unexpectedly
決める(きめる) – to decide
驚く(おどろく) – to be surprised, to be shocked
雰囲気(ふんいき) – atmosphere, mood
合う(あう) – to fit, to match
曲(きょく) – song, tune
ロマンス – romance
ファンタジー – fantasy
ドラマ – drama
感動(かんどう) – emotion, deep feeling
何回(なんかい) – how many times, several times
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