日本の冬の味 – Winter Flavors in Japan
1. おでん
2. みそ汁
3. すき焼き
4. おもち
5. みかん
1. おでん
2. みそ汁
3. すき焼き
4. おもち
5. みかん
【English Translation】
In Japan, there are many warm dishes to help overcome the cold during the winter. Winter flavors not only warm the body but also soothe the heart. This time, I will introduce some delicious foods commonly eaten in Japan during the winter season.
1. Oden
Oden is an essential winter dish in Japan. Various ingredients (eggs, fish cakes, daikon radish, konjac, etc.) are simmered in a flavorful broth, allowing the taste to soak into the ingredients. Eating oden will warm you up and make you feel cozy.
2. Miso Soup
Miso soup is a staple Japanese soup served with almost every meal. On cold days, a warm bowl of miso soup will heat you up. It typically contains tofu, seaweed, green onions, and has a simple, delicious flavor.
3. Sukiyaki
Sukiyaki is a dish where thinly sliced beef and vegetables are simmered in a sweet and savory sauce. It’s a fun dish to eat while cooking the ingredients in a pot. During the winter, it is common to enjoy sukiyaki with family or friends. It’s usually eaten by dipping the cooked ingredients in raw egg.
4. Mochi
Mochi (rice cakes) is a traditional winter food. It’s often eaten during the New Year, and freshly made mochi is soft and delicious. It is commonly served in ozoni (a soup with mochi) or grilled with soy sauce or sweet red bean paste. Eating mochi will make you feel warm and satisfied.
5. Mikan
Mikan (Japanese mandarins) are a fruit often eaten during winter in Japanese households. Mikan is sweet and juicy, making it perfect for cold winter days. It’s a common winter pleasure to eat mikan while relaxing in a warm room with family.
Japanese winter foods are mostly warm dishes that help you forget the cold. Enjoying oden, miso soup, sukiyaki, and mochi will warm both your body and soul, allowing you to have a cozy time during the winter season.
Even on the coldest days, if you have delicious food, you can enjoy a heartwarming moment. Be sure to try Japan’s winter flavors!
【Vocabulary List】
冬(ふゆ)- winter
寒さ(さむさ)- coldness
乗り越える(のりこえる)- to overcome
温かい(あたたかい)- warm
料理(りょうり)- dish, cuisine
たくさん – many, a lot
味(あじ)- flavor, taste
体(からだ)- body
温める(あたためる)- to warm
心(こころ)- heart, mind
癒す(いやす)- to heal, to soothe
紹介する(しょうかいする)- to introduce
欠かせない(かかせない)- indispensable, essential
具材(ぐざい)- ingredients
鍋(なべ)- pot, hot pot
煮込む(にこむ)- to simmer, to stew
だし汁(だしじる)- soup stock
染み込む(しみこむ)- to soak in, to absorb
ポカポカ – warm and cozy (onomatopoeic)
定番(ていばん)- standard, classic
豆腐(とうふ)- tofu
わかめ – wakame (seaweed)
ねぎ – green onions, scallions
薄切り(うすぎり)- thinly sliced
甘辛い(あまからい)- sweet and savory
タレ – sauce, dipping sauce
生卵(なまたまご)- raw egg
特徴(とくちょう)- characteristic, feature
餅(もち)- rice cake
お雑煮(おぞうに)- ozoni (soup with mochi)
焼く(やく)- to grill, to roast
醤油(しょうゆ)- soy sauce
あんこ – sweet red bean paste
満足感(まんぞくかん)- feeling of satisfaction
果物(くだもの)- fruit
甘い(あまい)- sweet
ジューシー – juicy
温かい部屋(あたたかいへや)- warm room
楽しみ(たのしみ)- enjoyment, pleasure
心温まる(こころあたたまる)- heartwarming
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